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        BCMS Physician and Alliance Members wrap-up

        Phase 1 First Tuesdays in the District meetings.

          Since the launch of First Tuesdays in the district (FTId) last fall,  trusted source on these issues.  The third and final phase of the
        bCMS physician members, Alliance members and medical students  program will be in the fall of 2020.  The goal of Phase III of the
        have participated in numerous meetings with our state representa-  program will be to share and discuss the TMA Healthy vision 2025
        tives and senators in their district offices in San Antonio.  An ex-  legislative agenda as we prepare for the kickoff to the 87th legisla-
        tension of the TMA Alliance First Tuesdays at the Capitol, the goal  tive Session in January 2021.
        of the first phase of the FTId program was to thank each legislator  Additionally and on a separate note, bCMS participants also at-
        for their hard work in support of medicine during the 86th legisla-  tended a variety of local legislative receptions held in honor of sev-
        tive Session.  bCMS worked diligently to bring physician, Alliance  eral of our bexar County state representatives and senators.
        and medical student participants to these visits who either live or
        work in each of the legislative districts.  The visits were well-received  To learn more about how you can be involved in our First
        by our legislators and they thanked us for taking the time to come  Tuesdays in the District visits, and for local discussion on
        visit them in their district offices.                  these and other legislative advocacy topics, consider joining
          Phase II of the program is set to begin in the spring.  during  the BCMS Legislative and Socioeconomics Committee by
        these visits, the goal will be to learn more about where our legisla-  contacting Mary Nava, chief  government affairs officer at
        tors stand on medicine’s issues and to offer our assistance as a

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         1. Standing (l-r):  Michael bat-
           tista, Md; Alex Kenton, Md;  3                       4
           State Representative lyle lar-
           son (district 122); Jenny Shep-
           herd  and  Jim  Humphreys,
           Md pause for a photo during
           a  reception  honoring  Rep.
           larson  at  Embassy  Suites
           landmark on October 30.
         2. On  Nov.  19,  Rep.  diego
           bernal (district 123), center,
           met with (l-r):  Alex Kenton,
           Md;  Pam  Hall,  Md;  Jenny
           Shepherd  and  John  Men-
           chaca, Md at his office and
           was presented with a plaque
           on behalf of the Texas Medical Association for his support of medicine’s issues during the 86th legislative Session.
         3. Alex Kenton, Md (left), pauses for a photo with State Representative Ray lopez (district 125) on November 20 during a reception honoring Rep. lopez at Club Giraud.
         4. On december 3, Sen. Jose Menendez (district 26), center, met with (l-r):  Marc Ghosn; Pam Hall, Md; Mary Nava; varda Ratner and dan deane, Md at his district office
           and was presented with the Patient Protection Award on behalf of the Texas Medical Association for his support of medicine’s issues during the 86th legislative Session.

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