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                 Adapting to the Needs of the

                             COVID-19 Pandemic

                                                By Carlos E. Moreno, MD, MBA

          As  we  look  back  four  months  on  the  spread  of  COVID-19  gestion from a clinical director and practice manager.  Our parking
        throughout the world, it brings to light how ill-prepared the world’s  lots now became a waiting area and a contained environment for pa-
        healthcare systems were for this Pandemic. I am the Chief Clinical  tients who were awaiting testing or a telemedicine consult through a
        Officer at CommuniCare Health Centers, a bedrock institution that  tablet we provided for them to use from their car. We next addressed
        has provided primary health services to Bexar county residents for  the issue of parents that were concerned for the safety of children
        over 48 years. With the onslaught of COVID-19, we all needed to  needing medical visits or well-child exams in a safe environment.
        react and adapt quickly to ensure a safe environment for personnel  This was solved by converting our clinics, on the weekends, solely
        and patients in order to continue to provide healthcare access.  That  for pediatric patient visits providing a sense of safety and assurance
        ability to adapt to the everchanging climate was driven by leadership  for concerned parents. Curbside immunizations were well-accepted
        and staff’s ability to rise to the task.               as a convenience also.  Algorithms helped us screen our patients for
          We first started from within our center to stress the need for per-  potential COVID-19 infection before patients were seen by clinicians
        sonal and public hygiene awareness on the frontlines, handwashing  and tested.
        for 20 seconds, social distancing and the use of facemasks were just  Maximizing the use of clinical staff skills and licensure allowed
        the beginning. We also had to deal with the management and use of  frontline staff to play a bigger role in the care of our patients.  In
        scarce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which was in short sup-  summary, the staff undertook changes in job duties, the restructuring
        ply at almost all healthcare institutions throughout the city, state, and  of departments, and the restructuring of the mode and delivery of
        country. It required that scarce PPE be used solely for those person-  services without ever compromising quality of care or safety to all.
        nel dealing with face-to-face encounters.                Adaptation to this pandemic was an all-in effort with the Board
          It was necessary to adapt quickly to providing health care access  of Directors fully supporting all physician and staff efforts. The
        in a different mode; telemedicine to the rescue.  Telemedicine has  Board expressed gratitude and praise for the fact that we did not
        been a key tool that our clinic has been experimenting with over the  have to shut down our clinics (except for our dental services which
        past few years. The appearance of COVID-19 drove its utilization  was mandated by the state) or furlough staff.  The senior leadership
        overnight with maximum efficiency and buy-in from both patients  staff even undertook pay cuts to save staff jobs. CommuniCare
        and providers. COVID-19 accelerated the use of telemedicine by a  weathered this tremendous unforeseen pandemic with unity and con-
        decade, as the CDC recommended that healthcare facilities utilize  viction to serve our community and patients with total dedication to
        alternatives for face-to-face triage to reduce unnecessary visits and  our Mission: “To improve the health of those we serve with a com-
        prevent the transmission of COVID-19.  In our case, face-to-face  mitment to excellence in all we do”.
        visits were facilitated for those patients that required them through  There will be light and hope for all at the end of this pandemic.
        the sectioning off clinics with specific waiting areas as well as desig-
        nated exam rooms for these visits.                       Carlos E. Moreno, MD, MBA is Vice President and Chief  Clinical Officer
          As the pandemic progressed, our clinic began the utilization of a  for CommuniCare Health Centers.
        new model of care, via curbside services.  This came about as a sug-

         16  San Antonio Medicine   •  July 2020
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