Page 22 - SAM September 2019
P. 22




                                                               Diagnosis and Cure

                                                                                                By Alfred Miller, MD

                here is a saying, “live and learn.”  Ma., I wondered if her diagnosis could be  mune”, so the patients are treated with im-
                I  have  practiced  medicine  for  Borrelia Burgdorferi infection or, as it is  munosuppressive medications prior to test-
                over fifty years. I have lived and  commonly known, Lyme Disease. A Bor-  ing. These prevent the antibody response
        I have learned. I had a private practice in  relia infection could produce the exact same  resulting in a negative test result. The stan-
        Internal  Medicine/Rheumatology  from  clinical presentation. My daughter’s illness  dard  Western  Blot  omits  Outer  Surface
        1968-2008 in San Antonio, TX. While keep-  put  me  on  a  path  of  investigation  and  Protein “A” (Band #31) and Outer Surface
        ing a full schedule, I also taught Rheuma-  knowledge. Once properly tested, her diag-  Protein “B” (Band #34). These omissions
        tology at the UTSA Rheumatology Clinic  nosis of Lyme disease was undeniably clear.   are very unfortunate, forcing an invalid ex-
        one  afternoon  a  week  at  the  Robert  B.  I am truly amazed by the results of ob-  clusion of Borrelia infection.
        Green Hospital, providing care to the un-  jective testing to confirm the etiology of
        derserved population.                Neurodegenerative  Diseases.  For  many  Intellectual honesty is the
          Then my daughter-in-law in Boston be-  years I erroneously excluded Borrelia infec-  basis of all science.
        came ill. Top hospitals in Boston and even  tions by adhering to the standard testing
        the Mayo Clinic, where I trained, thought  method. The tests measure the antibodies  I have encountered numerous patients
        she had MS and then ALS. Her symptoms  in the patient's blood in response to expo-  who have been diagnosed with MS, ALS,
        were  varied,  extreme,  and  debilitating.  sure to the antigens on the spirochete. In  Lewey Body Dementia, CIDP, Parkinson’s
        There was no offered cure; she was given  the chronic infection, the spirochete be-  Disease,  Alzheimer’s  Disease,  and  other
        four months to live. Given no hope, I began  comes cystic and sequestered resulting in a  MND who are testing positive for Borrelia
        to search for something, anything, to ex-  muted or absent immune response.  infection  when  properly  tested.  Prior  to
        plain her symptoms. Because she had lived  Furthermore, many of the Neurodegen-  testing, the patient's immune system must
        in Westchester, NY, and then in Boston,  erative Diseases are considered “auto-im-  be exposed to the spirochete in order to

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