Page 23 - SAM September 2019
P. 23
tory; I have relied on a lab that is dedicated came stabilized, then liposuction harvested
to tick borne diseases. All patients I have her mesenchymal Stem Cells. These Stem
encountered (100%) have tested positive Cells were expanding in culture over an
after the course of the provocative antibi- eight-week period, then the Stem Cells were
otics. It is noteworthy that some of these injected back into this patient. The results,
patients have initially tested negative, then to date, have been remarkable! She had
after the provocative antibiotics, the exact been very debilitated and is now walking
same tests become positive. and even using an Exercycle.
I have recommended these patients be I am convinced the concept of "auto-
treated with "pulse" antibiotics, i.e. three immune" disease must be modified and an
consecutive days on medications followed by infectious etiology included in the Differ-
four days off medications (additional infor- ential Diagnosis of all Neurodegenerative,
produce antibodies. mation can be provided). Always included in Rheumatological, and Mental Illnesses.
I recommend 21 days of “Provocative the regimen is Flagyl or Tindamax in order
Antibiotics” - i.e. Flagyl 500mg (to open the to allow the antibiotic to penetrate the cyst; By Dr. Alfred Miller, Retired Mayo Clinic
cyst allowing the antibiotic to penetrate) IV Rocephin 2gms BID for three consecu- trained physician. Private Practice Internal Medi-
plus Zithromycin 500mg. Then after the tive days via a "butterfly IV" which is re- cine/Rheumatology 1968-2008. Full Professor,
completion of the provocative antibiotics, moved and reinserted the following week. So Clinical Faculty, University of Texas Medical
a Western Blot or Immunoblot containing far, the results have been gratifying. School San Antonio, Texas, 1968-2008.
Bands #31 & #34. Recently, one patient was treated with
I have no connection with any labora- this regimen for six months. Her illness be-
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