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          The three major Federal antitrust laws  designed to break up mo-  tion. And it is an absurd notion because a right does not confer a
        nopolies are:                                          financial obligation on behalf of the federal government for you to
          •  The Sherman Antitrust Act                         enjoy such a right.
          •  The Clayton Act                                     Nevertheless, when it comes to healthcare, those in support of
          •  The Federal Trade Commission Act.                 Medicare for all are quick to correct me (when I point out what a
           When people are polled about Medicare For All, about 70 per-  right is) that healthcare is different. However, I am not talking about
        cent claim to be in favor of Medicare for all. The real question is  healthcare when I am talking about rights and the role of the federal
        what do they really favor? Are they in favor of monopolistic health-  government. To be redundant, I am talking about RIGHTS (and
        care or the idea that "Medicare for all" suggests FREE for all health-  not necessarily healthcare) and the obligations of the federal gov-
        care? These are two very different things. And make no mistake  ernment protecting our individual freedoms and liberties and rights,
        about it, Medicare for all would result in a single-payer system. A  of which does not constitute a financial obligation on behalf of the
        single-payer system is a monopoly! And to be crystal clear, a "single"  federal government, are not designed to finance our decision to
        payer system is not one where there are two or three or 50 private  enjoy our rights. Thus, regardless what the "right" may be; guns,
        payers competing with the single payer; it is only one payer! No  free speech, healthcare, none of these so-called rights confer an ob-
        more private payers. No more employer-sponsored health plans;  ligation on the federal government to pay citizens (or non-citizens)
        only Medicare for all…period!                          to enjoy such a right!
          However, many believe that as long as their healthcare is free,  The Medicare for all crowd also thinks the reason that healthcare
        who cares if it is a monopoly? As long as the government pays for  costs so much is because of greedy CEOs of insurance companies.
        them to enjoy what they feel is their "right," they are OK having  Take United Healthcare for example; the revenue in the third quar-
        the government run the entire healthcare system. What are the costs  ter for 2018 was approximately $56.6 million. The net profit was
        to run such a massive free system for the benefit of all? A study by  only 5.6 percent! In the financial circles, that is not exactly what one
        George Mason University found it would lead to a $32.6 trillion in-  would characterize as "excessive" profits. The costs to run United
        crease in federal spending over a 10-year period. To put that number  Healthcare was only approximately 15 percent. The remaining 80
        in perspective, the annual receipts of the federal government to run  percent of the revenue went to pay doctors, hospitals, and pharma-
        the entire country is approximately $3.4 trillion and we spend an-  ceutical companies! The CEO's base salary is about $1.162 million.
        nually approximately $4.3 trillion, creating an annual deficit of nearly  His bonus was about $4.9 million. And he exercised stock options
        a trillion dollars! The study’s author, Charles Blahous, wrote in The  of about $11 million. Added altogether, he took home about $17
        Wall Street Journal that even doubling taxes would not cover the  million. That represents approximately 0.03 percent of the 3rd quar-
        bill for a national single-payer health-care system. Most people could  ter revenue or less than 0.01 percent of the annual revenue. It is
        not afford to double their taxes even if it meant they would get  simply not a credible argument to suggest that healthcare costs so
        “free” healthcare.                                     much because the CEO is sucking out less than 1/10th of a penny
          To put it mildly, free stuff is expensive, and when we talk about  of revenue. Sorry to disappoint those that reasoned the CEOs are
        free healthcare, it is enormous. And the politicians want to leave im-  the reason healthcare cost so much.
        pressions in the minds of the voters that since healthcare is a  Bernie Sanders (and now increasingly the Democratic Party
        "right," your time has come to have the federal government finance  hopefuls) suggests that “the only long-term solution to America's
        access to unlimited healthcare as a result of being a right versus a  health care crisis is a single-payer national health care program.” Re-
        privilege! However, is that what a right means? The short answer is  ally? I am sure there are many solutions!  The challenge is in the
        a resounding NO!                                       definition of the word or concept of “solution.” One person’s so-
          Think about the second amendment. We all have a right to bear  lution is another’s problem. And suggesting that the government is
        arms. That right is part of the Bill of Rights enshrined in our con-  the only solution via single payer is the definition of socialism. True
        stitution and "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall  believers in socialism have a view that ONLY the government can
        not be infringed." Does that suggest if you cannot afford a gun, the  solve problems of the citizens (and in Bernie’s case, even non-citi-
        federal government will be obligated to pay you to make such a pur-  zens) they govern.
        chase? It is your right after all. And I think most would agree having  Thus, if you like the efficiency of the U.S. Postal system, with
        the federal government pay for you to own a gun is an absurd no-  the compassion of the IRS at Pentagon prices; you’re going to
                                                                                                      continued on page 20
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