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        Teaching Technology to Seniors

        Helps Ease Social Isolation

        By DeAnne C. Cuellar

          All sorts of things can affect our health, but not all of them re-  time connecting with others. Some travel long distances to get basic
        quire treatment by someone wearing a stethoscope. Adequate  needs  met  at  community  organizations,  like  food  pantries  and
        food, relationships, transportation and safety, to name a few, are  churches, and to find some sense of emotional connectedness, mak-
        called social determinants of health, and they play a major role in  ing their need for digital competence more urgent.
        an individual’s health risks and outcomes, often acting as a barrier  Senior Planet San Antonio, a project of the nonprofit Older
        to good health.                                        Adults Technology Services (OATS), is directly tackling this issue,
          Among those determinants, strong social connections are partic-  helping seniors live more connected lives. The programs at Senior
        ularly important as we age. Having people we care about, and who  Planet, which are free for adults aged 60 and over, are based on 15
        care about us, is a necessary component to healthy aging. That does-  years of successfully teaching seniors how to best use technology
        n’t bode well for 73% of seniors in Texas who are at risk for social  and social platforms to improve their lives. The program’s non-in-
        isolation, which is known to lead to depression and lessen quality  timidating, but highly effective methods have been proven to not
        of life.                                               only improve social engagement and relationships, but also signifi-
          Today, much of the contact we have with others revolves around  cantly boost health and wellness, financial security, advocacy and
        technology, from smart phone features to social media. Older adults  civic engagement and creative expression.
        who lack digital know-how are bound to become more isolated, de-  OATS was one of two organizations in San Antonio who re-
        priving them of relationships they need.               ceived investments from Humana Foundation for their focus on
          Seniors living in rural areas of San Antonio have an even harder  addressing social determinants of health. The Humana Foundation

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