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On Oct 1, BCMS physician members, Al- Standing (l-r) in the district office of
liance members and medical students partic- Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (District
120) on Oct. 1 are: BCMS Alliance
ipated in visits with four of our members of
member Aleida Colen; Gervin-Hawkins;
the Texas House of Representatives during Mary Nava, BCMS chief government af-
the launch of First Tuesdays in the District fairs officer; and Marc Ghosn, UIWSOM
medical student. The group presented
(FTID), an extension of First Tuesdays at
Rep. Gervin-Hawkins with a plaque on
the Capitol. Locally, the goal is to have par- behalf of TMA during the First Tuesdays
ticipants who either live or work in each of in the District visits.
the legislative districts attend the visits with
their respective legislator. Attendees met
with Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (District
120); Rep. Steve Allison (District 121); Rep.
Lyle Larson (District 122); and Rep. Ray
Lopez (District 125). Attendees thanked the
legislator and their staff for all their work in
support of medicine during the 86th Legisla- Rep. Lyle Larson, center, (District
tive Session. Additionally, the groups pre- 122) is presented with a plaque on be-
half of TMA by BCMS Alliance mem-
sented plaques to the legislators on behalf of
ber, Jennifer Lewis (left) and Leah
the Texas Medical Association (TMA), in Jacobson, MD (right) during the Oct. 1
honor of their work on medicine’s issues. First Tuesdays in the District visit in Rep.
Larson’s district office.
More visits are being planned with the rest
of the Bexar County delegation between
On Oct. 1, during the First
now and the first week in December. Tuesdays in the District visit
Many thanks to the following individuals in the district office of Rep.
Ray Lopez, center, (District
who attended the visits: Physicians – Isabel
125), attendees presented
Basaldu-Prado, MD; David Henkes, MD; him with a plaque on behalf
Leah Jacobson, MD; John Shepherd, MD; of TMA. Standing (l-r) are:
Mary Nava, BCMS chief gov-
Alliance members – Lori Boies; Aleida
ernment affairs officer; John
Colen; Danielle Henkes; Jennifer Lewis; and Shepherd, MD; Lopez; Isabel
Medical students – Katelyn Franck and Marc Basaldu-Prado, MD and
BCMS Alliance member, Lori
Ghosn from the UIW School of Medicine
If you want more information on how Attendees representing
you can join the legislative visits with our District 121 met with Rep.
legislators, email your contact info to Steve Allison in his district of-
fice on Oct. 1 and presented him with a plaque on behalf
For local discussion on this and other of TMA during the First Tues-
legislative advocacy topics, consider days in the District visits.
Standing (l-r) are: David
joining the BCMS Legislative and So- Henkes, MD; BCMS Alliance
cioeconomics Committee by contacting President, Danielle Henkes;
Mary Nava at Allison; Katelyn Franck, UIW-
SOM medical student; and
Leah Jacobson, MD.
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