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        BRCA Expert, Patrick Sung, D.Phil.,

        Joins UTHSA

        By William L. Henrich, MD, MACP, President, UT Health San Antonio, Professor of Medicine

                                             lead to new ways to treat them and possibly  He is the first faculty member in UT Health
                                             prevent their occurrence in the first place.  San Antonio history to capture this presti-
                                               BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppres-  gious NCI award, which is bestowed only
                                             sor genes. When these genes are mutated,  upon researchers with august track records,
                                             the loss of function leads to cancer. Prima-  elite-level scientific impact, and ascending ca-
                                             rily known for increasing risk of breast can-  reer  trajectories  and  research  goals.  The
                                             cer  in  women,  BRCA1  and  BRCA2  award, which began Sept. 9, will provide $6.1
                                             mutations also are associated with ovarian  million through 2026. Dr. Sung also just re-
                                             cancer, prostate and breast cancer in men,  ceived a $1.8 million Faculty STARs Award
                                             and a childhood cancer called neuroblas-  from  The  University  of  Texas  System.
                                             toma. A related gene is associated with ag-  STARs stands for Science and Technology
                                             gressive pancreatic cancer.         Acquisition and Retention.
                                               Dr. Sung’s laboratory conquered a major  The NCI Outstanding Investigator Award
          America’s greatest research minds are hot  technical challenge over several years—a feat  encourages risk taking. It provides freedom
        commodities—the  marketplace  for  their  that eluded all other labs worldwide. Using  for an established investigator to come up
        services is fiercely competitive. A pioneering  unique insect cell culture systems, the scien-  with  provocative  ideas—paths  of  inquiry
        life sciences researcher who pushes the enve-  tists were able to prompt the BRCA1 and  where the chances of being wrong are actu-
        lope against disease can be a cornerstone of  BRCA2 genes to make their proteins. These  ally quite high, but also where, if the scientist
        scientific attainment for any city, but espe-  are very elaborate human BRCA proteins ex-  is right, the impact will be tremendous.
        cially our city, bolstering San Antonio’s posi-  pressed in insect cells. Now that this technical  Dr. Sung’s decision to leave the Northeast
        tion as a leader of science and medicine. And  hurdle is overcome, the Sung lab is poised to  and return to South Texas was indicative of
        the researcher’s discoveries have the potential  figure out how these tumor suppressor pro-  San Antonio’s growing attractiveness to the
        to be translated into tomorrow’s therapies.  teins function.             nation’s  top  researchers.  He  joins  many
          One of San Antonio’s recently recruited  Very few groups in the world are able to  other excellent scientists in San Antonio, a
        stars,  biochemist  Patrick  Sung,  D.Phil.,  is  conduct this type of investigation. Like me-  fact that contributed to his decision to re-
        making inroads into understanding the biol-  chanics taking an engine apart and putting  turn. We are glad to have in our fold this
        ogy of inherited gene mutations that greatly  it back together, the team is analyzing the  outstanding biochemist whose discoveries
        increase the risk of cancer formation in both  sequence  of  events  that  occur  when  a  promise to push the envelope in treating
        women and men.                       BRCA mutation leads to cancer initiation  BRCA-deficient cancers.
          Dr. Sung, a leading expert on BRCA1 and  and progression.
        BRCA2 cancer biology, joined UT Health  Dr.  Sung  brought  talented  researchers          William  L.  Henrich,
        San Antonio in 2019 from Yale, where he was  with him, and since coming to San Antonio,  M.D., MACP, is president
        a professor of molecular biophysics and bio-  the team in July received a $3.75 million  of  UT Health San Anto-
        chemistry, therapeutic radiology and epidemi-  translational grant from the Gray Founda-  nio and professor of  medi-
        ology. A $6 million grant from the Cancer  tion of New York to focus on drug resist-     cine in the university’s Joe R.
        Prevention and Research Institute of Texas  ance in BRCA-deficient tumors. UT Health     and Teresa Lozano Long
        (CPRIT) supported his recruitment. Dr. Sung  San Antonio is the lead institution in a col-  School of  Medicine. With
        was actually re-recruited back to Texas; he  laborative effort with the Dana-Farber Can-  missions  of   teaching,  re-
        and his wife formerly lived in Houston and  cer Center in Boston and the University of  search,  healing  and  community  engagement,  UT
        San Antonio.                         Pennsylvania.                       Health San Antonio is one of  the country’s leading
          Dr.  Sung  is  an  expert  in  the  molecular  This fall, Dr. Sung was selected to receive  health sciences universities.
        mechanisms by which BRCA1 and BRCA2  a highly competitive National Cancer Insti-  Dr. Henrich is a member of  the Bexar County Med-
        mutations give rise to cancers, which could  tute (NCI) Outstanding Investigator Award.  ical Society.

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