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           IN REVIEW

                                                                         Artificial intelligence (AI) and medical
                                                                         imaging are merging to create more precise

                                                                         diagnostic tools for pathologists and better
                                                                         treatment options for cancer patients. Using

                                                                         a type of AI known as machine learning, we
                                                                         program computer systems to “learn” or
        DETECTING AND                                                    simulate human processes, such as visual

        ANALYZING                                                        perception and decision making. The

                                                                         systems form a neural network of
        BREAST CANCER                                                    algorithms that calculate the best solutions

                                                                         for a wide range of problems. Recently, our
        CELLS                                                            team of engineers at Southwest Research

                                                                         Institute (SwRI) used AI to enhance cancer
        By Hakima Ibaroudene                                             diagnostics. In collaboration with UT Health

                                                                         San Antonio pathologists, we trained a
                                                                         computer algorithm to quickly and

                                                                         accurately detect and analyze breast cancer
                                                                         tumor cells. The team envisions developing

                                                                         this algorithm further, eventually using it to
                                                                         detect other forms of cancer and to collect

                                                                         valuable, life-saving data from cancer cells,
                                                                         such as DNA structure and mutation

                                                                         analysis information.

        The Cancer Cellularity Challenge     tumors. Our SwRI engineers sought the ex-  the other to test it. Once our team was sat-
          The journey to developing a cancer-de-  pertise of the UT Health pathologists who  isfied with the algorithm, we analyzed the
        tecting algorithm began with an interna-  condensed years of training into a short  images from breast cancer patients and as-
        tional  competition,  the  BreastPathQ:  course on pathology and imaging. Armed  signed a score based on the number of in-
        Cancer Cellularity Challenge conducted by  with  new  knowledge  on  the  appearance  vasive  cancer  cells  in  each  image.  The
        the American Association of Physicists in  and structure of breast cancer tumor cells,  algorithm sorted through the images and
        Medicine,  the  National  Cancer  Institute  our team set out to train the algorithm to  matched the findings of human pathologists
        and SPIE, the international society for op-  analyze cell images and look for defining  at the highest rate, making it the top-per-
        tics  and  photonics.  The  challenge  pre-  characteristics that distinguish cancerous  forming algorithm out of 100 competing
        sented  the  task  of  determining  cancer  cells from normal ones.      submissions.
        cellularity from pathology hematoxylin and  Challenge organizers provided two collec-  In January 2019, we learned we won the
        eosin (H&E) slide patches of breast cancer  tions of images: one to train the algorithm,  international competition. Our success on

         16  San Antonio Medicine   •  December  2019
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