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                                                                                                  IN REVIEW

        faction are the loss of autonomy and limited  The future of medicine requires that all  Dr.  Nora  Vasquez  is  a  Board-
        decision-making abilities that come with an  doctors obtain the support and leadership  Certified Internal Medicine physician
        employed-physician status.  Many physicians  training needed to better advocate within  who was awarded the BCMS 2019
        feel the pressure of having to see more pa-  their employed setting.  The TMA and the  Women in Medicine Leadership Ris-
        tients in shorter time periods.  This is trou-  Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS) rec-  ing  Award.  Dr.  Nora  Vasquez  serves  on  the
        bling as many doctors derive their greatest  ognize these challenges and want to help.  TMA Ad-Hoc Committee for Employed Physi-
        joy from the relationships they develop with  Both organizations offer training in leader-  cians.  She was chosen to participate in the 2020
        their patients.  In addition, physicians are  ship and management.  In fact, TMA held  TMA Leadership College and the 2019 BCMS
        frustrated with the increasing number of  its first Ad-Hoc Committee on Employed  Leadership Course.
        hours required for charting and increased  Physicians at the 2019 TMA Winter Confer-  Dr. Veronica Vasquez is a Board-
        productivity and quality metric demands.  As  ence.  This committee was established to  Certified Family Medicine physician
        physicians  find  they  have  less  autonomy,  identify and develop support for employed  who serves on the Physician Advisory
        their overall morale declines.  According to  physicians.                         Counsel for UMA, and was selected
        the  Physicians  Foundation  Survey,  Texas  If you would like more information or  for the 2020 TMA Leadership College and the
        physicians rank 50th in the nation for posi-  have suggestions, please contact the TMA  2019 BCMS Leadership Course.
        tive  professional  morale.    Unfortunately,  Knowledge Center at 800-880-7955 and visit
        there is also an increasing rate of overall, or  References
        frustration with the current medical system  email  Likewise,  (1)  AMA Employed Physicians Now Exceed
        leading many to pursue part-time work, seek  you may contact Brissa Vela at BCMS at 210-  those who own their practices (May 2019).
        alternative models of healthcare practice or  301-4371 or explore membership support  (2)  The Physicians Foundation: A survey of
        retire early.                        offered on the website    America’s physicians: Practice Patterns and
                                                                                 Perspectives (September 2018).

                                                                                               visit us at  19
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