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                                                                                                  IN REVIEW

          a 20% co-payment. The Medicare Physi-
          cian  Fee  Schedule  (MPFS)  does  not
          deduct the co-payment amount. There-
          fore, the actual payment by Medicare is
          20% less than shown in the fee schedule.
          This situation has existed for far too long
          and has unfairly been a financial burden
          to the physicians willing to take care of
          this very vulnerable patient population.

          An important component of access to
        care is the education of patients.  They must
        be taught healthcare maintenance at pre-
        entry levels, such as classes early in school,
        social media, and other public programs.
        This needs to be coupled with education at
        all  entry  levels  to  the  healthcare  system
        whether a family planning appointment, an
        emergency room visit or participation in ap-
        propriate postpartum prevention programs
        for one year after birth.
                                             • A consortium should be established to  lishment of a centralized communication
        The Border Conference                  allow collaboration on all the research  system to assist with such situations.
          The  Border  Health  Conference  had  projects currently being undertaken so
        over 125 participants learning about pro-  they may be compiled and cross-refer-  The health care issues along the border
        grams on both sides of  the border. Hi-  enced so anyone can access them, with-  are more numerous than can be enumer-
        dalgo County has the program “Eating   out  cost.  Perhaps  this  can  be  ated in such a short article. TMA President,
        Smart  Being  Active”,  administered  by  accomplished through the US Mexico  Dr. David Fleeger and TMA Past President,
        Eddie Olivares, Chief Administrative Of-  Border Health Commission, establishing  Dr. Doug Curran both pointed out: There
        ficer, Hidalgo County Health and Human  a permanent community for research.  are answers; we just need to work together
        Services.  Another  is  the  outreach  “Tu  • Continue to support the establishment  energetically to find solutions to issues that
        Salud Si Cuenta” (Your Heath Does Mat-  of partnerships with community health  are under our control, advocate for and im-
        ter) from our Mexico counterparts.  From  organizations  and  workers,  including  plement them at the appropriate govern-
        the City of  El Paso Health Department  “promotoras”.                     mental or societal levels.
        Director, Roberto Resendes, we were told  • Establish a mechanism for educating our  I thank all who participated in the con-
        first-hand how they dealt with the recent  communities and employers about the  ference to make it successful. I invite all to
        shooting  there  along  with  the  lessons  need for healthcare promotion.  The cur-  come to the Border Health Caucus meet-
        learned.  Ideas for further improvements  rent  cost  of  lost  productivity  due  to  ings we have at TexMed and at the Fall and
        in this area included:                 health issues is annually more than $3 bil-  Winter Conferences. I especially invite all to
        • Medical schools, public health depart-  lion. It is an incentive for promotion of  the 15th Annual Border Health Conference
          ments, government and community ad-  healthcare in the workplaces.      in El Paso next Fall.
          vocated  health  programs  and  private  • Consider a mechanism for suspending
          physicians must all cooperate in order to  HIPAA regulations during a catastrophic  Luis M. Benavides, MD is the Chair of  the
          better understand and participate in the  situation such as the one that occurred  Border Health Caucus.
          solution of these issues.            in El Paso, in combination with estab-

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