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           IN REVIEW

        The Study of

        Health Disparities

        By Vincent P. Fonseca, MD, MPH, FACPM

          If we are to improve the health of all  ities,  the  social  determinants  of  health  are born, grow, live, work, and age.
        Texans, that is, support population health  (SDOH).                        For example, one of the most basic con-
        improvement at the state level, we must ad-  We  find  health  disparities  are  almost  cepts in health is self-perceived health sta-
        dress health disparities.            everywhere we have data to examine. We  tus.  Self-perceived  health  status  can  be
          Health disparities are preventable differ-  often see disparities by race/ethnicity since  categorized as excellent, very good, good,
        ences in the burden of disease, injury, vio-  that is often captured in health-related data  fair, or poor. In the 2014 Texas BRFSS (Be-
        lence, or in opportunities to achieve optimal  systems. Unfortunately, in Texas and the  havioral Risk Factor Surveillance System),
        health that are experienced by certain pop-  rest of the country, race/ethnicity isn't the  15% of non-Hispanic Whites had fair/poor
        ulations. Race or ethnicity, sex, sexual iden-  real cause of the disparity but is a proxy for  health compared to 25% of Hispanics. His-
        tity, age, disability, socioeconomic status,  the root causes: food insecurity, housing in-  panics' rate of fair/poor health was 67%
        and geographic location all contribute to an  stability, transportation problems, poverty,  higher than Whites.
        individual’s ability to achieve good health.  low educational attainment, unemployment  Here’s an example of the complex inter-
          To address health disparities, we must go  or unsafe jobs, or unsafe neighborhoods  actions  of  SDOH.  Neighborhoods  with
        upstream and address the real causes of the  (violence or pollution), poor access to af-  concentrated poverty and concentrated low
        disparities (e.g., disparities in diabetes out-  fordable, high quality health services, and  educational attainment, 2 of the root causes
        comes related to differences in lifestyle).  others. These are called the social determi-  of  health  disparities  (SDOH),  are  also
        Even more upstream of the real causes of  nants of health. The social determinants of  neighborhoods with loose dogs. They also
        the disparities are the root causes of dispar-  health are the conditions in which people  are neighborhoods with schools that are

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