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                                                                                           & DESIGN

                                                                        Studies have shown that visual art in hospitals provides
                                                                      major benefits to the wellbeing and improvement of care
                                                                      for both patients and employees. Unbeknownst to most,
                                                                      the University Hospital expansion houses over 1,200 pieces
                                                                      of artwork from over 275 artists representing eight coun-
                                                                      tries. The hospital expansion is part of University Health
                                                                      System’s Design Enhancement and Public Art Program:
                                                                      the largest in the city of San Antonio with a budget of $6
                                                                      million. One would not often expect a hospital on the cut-
                                                                      ting edge of healthcare to also be a storehouse for such a
                                                                      large collection of art work.

                                                                      Pearson, Brita. A Prescription for Art: Healing at the new
                                                                      Sky Tower at University Hospital


                                                                      Photos: Top — Main lobby with a view of artist Ed Carpenter’s Fox-
                                                                      glove which is an scaling, abstract representation of Digitalis the
                                                                      heart medication.
                                                                      Bottom — Lobby view from the opposite side with a view of the wall
                                                                      piece titled Hippocrates.

                                                                                               visit us at  17
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