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Keeping up with
the Jetsons?
Get smart! By Bjorn Dybdahl
Your career has a The talk of your social circles is the smart home, or what used to
be called home automation. It’s revolutionizing our lives by stream-
trajectory that could lining our lifestyles and lowering our utility costs.
be tracked by NASA, What makes a home “smart?”
Everybody has wiring to the patio, the best television and home
but is your home theaters, and a high-tech security system, Smart home automation is
the next step and can start with a single, easy-to-understand home the-
keeping up with ater remote control that replaces the usual three or four, one of which
is usually lost. Advancing one easy phase beyond your home theater,
your needs? it can also dim the lighting, lower the shades, and adjust your thermo-
stat’s temperature!
Monitor your home from anywhere using your phone or tablet with
cameras placed strategically on the front porch, driveway and anywhere
22 San Antonio Medicine • September 2018