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                   & DESIGN

           Highlighting the Practice of  Design within

           the Practice of  Medicine

          By Carlos N. Moreno, AIA

        Health and the Built Environment:                      this the case? How could the process be further navigated to see
        Bringing Delight into Design                           the trifecta become complete? It turned out the answer was always
          Vitruvius, the 1st Century Roman Architect, taught that all archi-  present: not all consumers are patients, but everyone is certainly a
        tecture must inhabit the following three attributes: Comfort, Com-  consumer of design.
        modity and Delight. How simple, yet how challenging.
          30 years ago, my introduction to healthcare architecture began.  Evidence of improved Health via Design :
        It remains an exciting and evolving experience. In the beginning,  Aesthetics and impact on Health
        though, it involved climbing the steep curve on issues relating to  Through the eyes of patients I met during a POE (Post-Occu-
        infection control, the application of healthcare regulations and  pancy Evaluation) on a med-surge floor, it was readily apparent that
        building codes, while also addressing the needs of my client’s ob-  the newly designed environment was more than a byproduct of a
        jectives for efficient space programming, medical equipment, oper-  strong operational space program and a code compliant assembly
        ational and financial goals. Amazingly, the notion, or presence of  of materials. It was a tangible and experiential environment that be-
        “design”, was rarely a driving force within the conversations with  came part of the patient’s daily routine and ultimately became part
        my clients. “Where was Vitruvius?” “When do we move from Com-  of what they found to be helpful in the overall improvement of
        modity to Comfort and Delight?!”                       their health. This med-surge floor became an extension of who they
          As an architect, the topic of design is always part of the equation.  were, in addition to what their families recognized as a “transitional
        However, it became quickly apparent that it was not an integral part  home” for their loved-ones.
        of my client’s formula for a successful and holistic project. Why was  With this experience and all others since then, the following man-

         12  San Antonio Medicine   •  September  2018
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