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                   & DESIGN

          Art   Architecture

         University Hospital’s Innovative Approach to Art, Healing and Sustainability

                                                    By Furkan Torlak, MBS

          The 10 story Sky Tower of University Hospi-
        tal opened its doors to patients and families alike
        in April of 2014. Designed by the coordinated
        efforts of three architectural firms, University
        Hospital is a testament to modern architecture
        and its role in human health. From an architec-
        tural  standpoint,  the  University  Hospital  Sky
        Tower expansion is a textbook piece of modern
        architectural design. The designers of the build-
        ing were clearly inspired by the ever-growing
        number  of  modernist  buildings  around  the
        world, whose initial inspiration all comes from
        the Bauhaus school in Germany.
          Architects  like  Walter  Gropius  and  Frank
                                                 UHS Sky Tower at dusk. Photo courtesy of Zachary Construction Corp, one of the firms that helped
        Lloyd Wright pioneered the modernist archi-  build the new hospital addition.
        tectural movement, and now the combination
        of steel, glass, and concrete has become symbolic of profession-  But what happens when the patient
        alism, industry, and the power of human development over the  walks inside?
        chaos of nature. University Hospital’s sleek, steel exterior instills  Interior design is an ever-growing discipline that’s meant to appeal
        patients with the confidence that they will be receiving the best  to the eye and navigate it around to prevent a sense of boredom
        quality of care.                                       with a space. Nothing is more important than the feeling you get
          Human society revolves around the ability to make impulse judge-  when you enter the hospital lobby for the first time. At Sky Tower,
        ments. Perhaps this stems from an evolutionary need to evade dan-  you immediately notice the bright white of the flooring that reflects
        ger, but has given birth to modern-day marketing. We are constantly  the sun’s rays that shine through the all glass exterior of the building.
        comparing, constantly assessing and constantly making decisions.  The high ceilings and scaling artwork by Ed Carpenter, known as
        Although some of these are conscious processes, many of our in-  Foxglove, creates a wonderful feeling of tons of open space. The
        stinctual decisions fly under the radar in our subconscious thought.  illusion of open space can sometimes be even more powerful than
        We have been geared to like the clean and the new.     the actual reality of it as the space creates a question with which
          The modernist take on architecture creates a refined, geometric  one desires an answer. It captivates. Aside from the feelings of space
        exterior so pleasing to the human psyche that the building markets  and brightness, a hospital needs to provide areas that stimulate re-
        itself. It does not tickle the eye with free-flowing forms or medieval  flection and serenity.
        spires. After all, a hospital is no place for whimsy or nonsense, it is  Maintaining mental health and psychological wellbeing also re-
        a place for the serious business of human healing. The ideals for a  quires areas for relaxation and indulging the imagination. For this,
        good hospital need to be summed up and sold to the patient before  patients can experience the one-acre green space expansion known
        they make it through the door. For our local University Hospital,  as the “Jardin,” or one of two rooftop gardens. Patients also have
        the new building has been a powerful investment into the brand  the opportunity to explore all of the amazing art showcased around
        that is University Health System.                      the new hospital expansion.

         16  San Antonio Medicine   •  September  2018
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