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        By Sheldon Gross, MD, 2018 BCMS President

                         Dear Colleagues,

                           For this month’s issue of San Antonio Medicine,  gious medicine. We spend so much time as physicians learning how to effec-
                          I would like to discuss the importance of physi-  tively communicate with our patients. After 35 years of private practice, I am
                          cian communication in medicine. This is one of  still learning how to effectively communicate with my patients. I would like
                          those statements that sounds obvious. One does  to ask how much time do physicians spend learning how to effectively com-
                          not require an M.D. to understand the importance  municate with other physicians? The answer is amazingly little time, and I
                          of  physicians  effectively  communicating  with  think this could be at times as important or even more important than com-
                          each other.                          municating with individual patients. It seems that part of a physician’s formal
          As medical students, most of us were taught rules regarding when not to  training should include how to communicate with other doctors. When is a
        communicate. Certainly, one does not discuss relevant patient information  note in the chart adequate and when is a telephone call required?  None of
        on an elevator when others cannot help but listen to what is being said. Physi-  us like to be interrupted by telephone calls while we are seeing patients or
        cian discussions have to occur privately and in settings in which patient con-  otherwise involved in our practice. However, when a secretary states that Dr.
        fidentiality can be protected. We have all learned that it is crucial to know  Smith is on the phone and it is an emergency, all of us should be willing to
        who we are allowed to communicate with. This is especially true in pediatrics.  drop what we are doing and speak with Dr. Smith. Our patients depend on
        Communicating a patient’s personal health information to someone who does  us and assume that we will communicate effectively with the appropriate
        not have legal custody or legal permission can be not only inappropriate but  physicians involved. That is as much a part of our responsibility as prescribing
        possibly illegal. Physicians can be placed in a very precarious medical legal  the correct dosage of any drug or ordering the appropriate imaging study.
        position if they release information to the wrong person.  This means communicating with physicians that we like and work with rou-
          Having discussed who not to communicate with, it is probably more im-  tinely. It also means communicating with physicians that we may not know
        portant to discuss how physicians need to communicate. I am familiar with  or possibly even dislike with the same degree of responsibility and urgency.
        multiple malpractice lawsuits that could have all been avoided by either physi-  There have been books, studies, and models of healthcare tried for years in
        cians communicating with each other more effectively or communicating  an attempt to save money and have more efficient and quality healthcare.
        with the patient or the patient’s family.  We now have access to text messaging,  Something very basic has been overlooked. I have no doubt that enhanced
        emails, and any number of other means of communicating electronically. I  physician communication would provide better and less expensive care with-
        would suggest that in certain instances, none of this takes the place of a  out the need for new technology or new models of healthcare. In my case as
        phone call and person to person discussions. In my practice, I have made a  a child neurologist, it is not unusual for one of my patients to arrive in an
        point as a consultant to personally contact by telephone a referring doctor if  outlying emergency room with breakthrough seizures. Many of these patients
        there is a major development with one of their patients. Should an MRI scan  will be immediately sent for imaging studies. These patients may have already
        reveal a brain tumor or should someone require hospitalization, I do not rely  had multiple imaging studies in the past which have all been normal. A phone
        on text messaging or having my secretary call their secretary. I have also found  call to my office would clarify that and obviate the need for many expensive
        that when referring doctors receive this type of direct phone call from me  procedures. I am sure that this is true in every specialty.
        they are not irritated by an interruption in their busy schedule. In fact, they  I would invite any reader who knows of a specific example of how en-
        are typically very grateful that I would take the time to call them and notify  hanced physician communication can improve healthcare and lessen cost to
        them of serious developments. I am very concerned that too many physicians,  please put that in writing and send it to the Bexar County Medical Society. A
        particularly younger physicians, feel that a text message or email is the equiv-  telephone call depends on technology that has been around for many years.
        alent of a live discussion between two people on the telephone or in person.  I would stress the importance of physicians trying to develop ways of in-
        It is not the same. I do not always have my cellphone with me. There is some-  creasing healthcare efficiency. If we abdicate that responsibility, it is inevitable
        times a delay in checking my emails. Despite how far we have come from a  that health plans and insurance companies will only take more draconian roles
        technology standpoint, live discussion is still the gold standard.  in making decisions for us.
          Regretfully, getting someone on the telephone is not as easy as it used to  As always, I welcome any response from those who agree or disagree with
        be. We are typically met with telephone recordings with a various menu of  my comments. I wish to welcome those physicians new to San Antonio,
        different options. I have had the unpleasant experience of being forced to  whether in training or in practice. Bexar County Medical Society would like
        leave a message on a recording when I desperately needed to speak with a  to invite you to become active participants and offer any suggestions to en-
        physician at that moment. I would state that it is the responsibility of all physi-  hance our relevance to membership.
        cians to be certain that they can be reached by other physicians in emergency
        situations. It is a physician’s responsibility to ensure that another physician is  Sincerely,
        not required to leave a message on a recording or have his secretary contact  SHELDON GROSS, MD
        someone else’s secretary. This is not only bad medicine but is potentially liti-  President, Bexar County Medical Society

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