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STEPS bination of both, you aren’t suffering alone! Ac-
Whether you have asthma, allergies, or a com-
TO AN cording to the American College of Allergies,
Asthma & Immunology, over 50 million Ameri-
ALLERGY-FREE cans suffer from allergies each year! And while
we can’t give you the cure to that lingering cough
HOME LIFE or the non-stop sneezing, we can help you find
ways to make your home a sneeze-free sanctuary.
By Cleo Garza, Sr. Loan Officer, After all, home should be your happy place right?
SWBC Mortgage Corporation
Transforming your home into a hypoaller-
genic paradise can seem like an overwhelming
task. So we’ve broken down the basics into five
easy and maintainable rules that you can start
practicing today!
20 San Antonio Medicine • October 2018