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San Antonio
area growth and
progress comes
with increased
pollution that
can trigger and
worsen asthma
in children
By Juan Jose Ferreris, MD, MHA, FAAP
ast month, the Environmental Protection Agency des- resource for an APP that focuses on your zip code to provide real-
L ignated that San Antonio will be in non-attainment be- time data on ozone and particulate matter, and provides predictions
for the next 24 hours. This real-time information can help asthma
cause of persistently elevated levels of ozone pollution.
Ozone is a well-recognized trigger for asthma symp- patients plan to minimize their outdoor exposure during the peak
toms in asthmatics. ozone and particulate matter hours of the afternoon and early
Most patients with asthma are not aware of environmental trig- evening.
gers that can significantly lower their threshold for loss of asthma Other commonly overlooked sources of irritants and pollutants
control or worse yet an unexpected serious asthma flare that may that can trigger allergies and asthma are also found indoors. Sources
result in an emergency room visit. of particulate and chemical triggers such as fireplaces, new paint
Most patients are aware of their allergic triggers such as pet dan- and carpet can also trigger asthma and allergy symptoms in sensitive
der and the dreaded Ragweed, Mountain Cedar and Oak pollen sea- individuals.
sons. However, many pediatric patients and their families are not as Patients can reduce their exposure by avoiding outdoor activity
aware of the outdoor environmental pollutant triggers such as during high ozone and particulate matter days and especially in the
ozone and especially particulate matter. afternoon when levels are usually at their highest. They can ensure
Ozone action days are increasing in frequency in our San Antonio that a/c filters are clean, consider a HEPA room filtration unit,
area because of increasing frequency of ideal conditions for ozone: avoid use of fans and reduce surfaces that hold dust such as carpet,
more vehicles and more sunny and hot weather. Schools are aware drapes and stuffed animals. This could be the “clean air room”.
of ozone as a trigger for asthma. They receive alerts of “orange” As our city grows in population and vehicular traffic, the in-
ozone action days that identify “ideal” conditions for high ozone evitable consequence is increased ozone and particulate matter pol-
levels that triggers asthma flares in asthma patients. During these lution. As clinicians, we need to educate our patients and families
days, asthmatics should remain indoors during periods of high on these two very important and sometimes not so obvious triggers
ozone to reduce the risk of an asthma event. for asthma flares.
Particulate matter or “dust” of all types is also increasingly a prob-
lem in the San Antonio area with increased construction and more Dr. Juan Jose Ferreris is an Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor at UT
vehicle traffic. Sources of particulate matter comes from unpaved Med San Antonio and Baylor College of Medicine and Medical Director for
roads, vehicle traffic and even power plants. is a great Children’s Hospital of San Antonio Pediatric Group.
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