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        Upgrade Your                                                               vacuum  on  your  mattress  and  pillows
        Cleaning Schedule.                                                         while the linens are in the wash.

          The first step to an allergy-proof home
        is to keep it as clean as possible, as often                              Prevent Pet Dander.
        as possible. If you struggle with maintain-                                 We all love and treat our pets just like
        ing a regular cleaning schedule, it’s time to                             family, but when it comes to your allergies,
        hire help! A housekeeper will remember                                    you may want to set a regular grooming
        to do the little things like dust, vacuum,                                schedule and boundaries on the bedroom.
        and sweep when you’re busy running a                                       Keep pets out of the bed, or the entire
        household.                                                                 bedroom, to ensure you’re able to get a
                                                                                   good night’s sleep. Also, preventing pet
        Switch to All Natural—                                                     dander in the air is easy when you stick to
        Everything.                                                                a regular grooming schedule.
          If you aren’t already using all natural,
        non-toxic cleaning and household products,                                Keep the Air Clean.
        it’s time to make the switch! For some indi-                                It seems obvious, but keeping the air
        viduals, even toilet paper can be an irritant!                            clean in your home is a must-do for the al-
        The  chemicals  and  irritants  in  standard                              lergy and asthma prone. Using HEPA fil-
        household products could be provoking al-                                 ters within your home is a must-do to trap
        ready sensitive sinuses. It’s easy to find all-                           and filter out invisible dander in the air.
        natural,  chemical  free,  and  even  organic                             You’ll  also  want  to  keep  your  windows
        household products just about anywhere                                    sealed and closed to prevent outdoor pol-
        these days. These products are designed to                                lens from blowing inside on a windy day!
        make cleaning or everyday tasks easy, and                                 You can also invest in a good quality (and
        irritant free for allergy sufferers.                                      HEPA friendly) air purifier to filter allergens
          If you want to try making your own                                      out, and a dehumidifier to prevent mold.
        cleaning products you can stock up on sta-                                  Although we know it’s impossible to
        ples like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon                                 entirely erase allergens from our everyday
        juice.  There  are  many  resources  online                               life, coming home can be a relief if you
        about how to make your own cleaning                                       follow a strict cleaning schedule to ensure
        products that work just as good as store                                  your home is a dust, dirt, and allergy-free
        bought brands, without having to sacrifice                                zone. This extra time and dedication to re-
        irritating your allergies.                                                ducing allergens from your home can help
                                                                                  you wake up refreshed, breathing easier,
        Make Your Bedroom a                                                       and ready to take on a new day!
        Sanitized Sanctuary.
          Bedrooms can be the household hub of                                               Cleo Garza has been active in
        indoor irritants. Mattresses, sheets, and                                           the mortgage industry since 2003.
        pillows are magnets for invisible allergens,                                        Whether you are looking to pur-
        such as dust mites. Consider covering your                                          chase your first home, refinance you
        pillows, mattress and box spring in dust-                                 existing home, or purchase investment properties,
        mite proof covers. You’ll also want to re-                                Cleo would be honored to help you through each
        member to wash all bedding weekly, in hot                                 stage of  the home financing process. Contact Cleo
        water. To get a deeper clean, you can use                                 today at or apply online
        a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air)                                  at

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