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        •  Ask physicians to provide extensive price and charge data  measures, data submission mechanisms, and submission
           that has little or no applicability to the Medicare program;   processes;

        •  Reduce payments for E&M services provided at stand-  •  Reduce the bonus points available for small practices;
           alone office visits on the same day as a procedure;
                                                               •  Refuse to hold physicians harmless for data collection and
        •  Continue to judge physicians’ cost and quality perform-  submission errors made by outside vendors; and
           ance  without  appropriately  risk-adjusting  their  scores  •  Force practices to accept more risk than they can finan-
           based on patients’ demographic or socioeconomic charac-
                                                                  cially manage if  they wish to earn bonus payments under
           teristics that have been proven to correlate with poor health  an Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM).
        •  Double the number of  points a physician must earn to
                                                                 Finally, because of “the overall program complexity of the QPP
           avoid a Medicare payment penalty;
                                                               and annual changes to data requirements, terminology, and policies
        •  Neither expand the number of  quality measures a practice  that are not finalized until two months before each performance
           may choose from nor reduce the minimum number (six)  period,” TMA said CMS should simplify and improve the educa-
           of  measures on which a practice may report — all while  tional materials it provides to help physicians and groups succeed
           planning to further reduce the number of  available meas-  under the QPP.
           ures over the next few years;                         “Physicians report that learning about and navigating the MIPS
                                                               and APM pathways is very challenging, confusing, or simply not
        •  Continue to rate physicians based on costs of  services that
                                                               feasible,” Drs. Flores and Kahn wrote.
           are  completely  unrelated  to  any  medical  care  that  the
           physician may have provided, ordered, or recommended;
                                                                 Steve Levine is vice president of  communications for the Texas Medical
        •  Completely replace the terms it uses to describe its quality  Association.

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