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         Buying a Car or Truck?

                 Let’s Compare the BCMS Auto Program to A Buying Service

                                          By Phil Hornbeak, BCMS Auto Program Director

       1                                                     If you decide to work with one of the dealers who calls you, you will
         Buying Service                                    go to their dealership (in Texas a hot parking area) and likely spend several

                                                           hours working through their sales process. Even though you asked for
         When you use a buying service to find a vehicle, you
                                                           someone you will still go through some sales procedures:
         start by filling out the pop-up window which gives them
         your contact information.  You will enter information
                                                           THE QUESTIONING AT THE
         about  a  particular  year,  make,  and  model,  following
                                                           DEALERSHIP GOES LIKE THIS:
         which they provide you with a price range or current ad-
         vertisement and give your personal information to some  •  What’s your name? Alternatively, thanks for coming in
         dealers. That is when the race begins; every contacted     Mr. or Mrs. Customer.
         dealer wants to be the first one to contact you to lock
                                                           •  What brings you in today?
         you in on a vehicle before the other dealers get a chance.
                                                           •  May I ask why you are thinking about buying a new car?
         You will receive more calls than you ever imagined. It is
         like a dam breaks and the water starts washing over you;  •  Are there any specific makes or models you are interested in?
         call after call, text after text.
                                                           •  What features does your current vehicle have that you would
                                                               still like to have in your new one?

                                                           •  What do you dislike about your current vehicle?
                                                           •  What are the top thredd things you would love to see in
                                                               your new vehicle?
                                                           •  Will you be trading in your current vehicle?
                                                           •  Who is going to drive the vehicle most of the time and for what
                                                               purpose (business, pleasure, family)?
                                                           •  What is your timeline? (Buying ASAP vs. browsing and waiting)

                                                           •  Are you planning to pay cash or finance the vehicle?
                                                           •  Did you finance your last vehicle? What was your monthly payment?

                                                             One of the advertising tactics observed recently is to show you the pic-
                                                           ture of a car, a sale price, and offer very low financing rates. However,
                                                           upon investing the time and effort to go to a dealership, you find the price
                                                           listed is for a used or demo car (one-of-a-kind that has probably already
                                                           sold), and the rates are for the top 1 percent of buyers. Teasing and tricky
                                                           ads are designed to get you to register online or by phone.

                                                           Are you overwhelmed yet?  Now, let’s contrast the BCMS Auto Program

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