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        SAN ANTONIO’S                                                      By Julie Catalano
                                                                           Photography courtesy of

         The Alamo City’s 300th birthday is well underway, but there’s still plenty to experience
         during this once-in-a-lifetime happening.

          This year is the perfect time to learn the history of San Antonio  WHERE TO START? RIGHT HERE:
        — a long, complex and compelling tale that begins when the city  Commemorative Week, May 1-6
        was named before there was a city, when indigenous peoples like  Packing as much Tricentennial as possible into six days, this week
        the Payaya Indians occupied the area for many thousands of years.  explores history, education, arts and much more. Many of the events
        Spanish explorers arrived on June 13, 1691 on the feast day of St.  are free, but for ticket and time info, go to
        Anthony de Padua, naming both the area and the river in his honor.
        It was 27 more years, in 1718, before the first mission — what we                May 1. Day of  Reflection.
        now know as the Alamo — and the first presidio were established                  The week kicks off with interfaith
        at San Pedro Creek, populated by Spanish friars and Spanish sol-                 services  at  places  of  worship
        diers, respectively.                                                             across  the  city,  headed  by  the
          Although 1718 is celebrated as San Antonio’s birth, there was no               Archdiocese of San Antonio and
        official city government until 56 Canary Islanders arrived in March              other religious leaders. A pilgrim-
        of 1731 by royal decree of the King of Spain, establishing law and  MISSION CONCEPCÍON  age from Mission Concepción ar-
        order with a municipal government and city hall. Ranches and farm-  rives at Main Plaza, followed by a musical performance, healing
        land were tilled with the help of Spanish presidio soldiers and the  ceremony, lighting of the Eternal Flame and a candlelight vigil. Free.
        Native Americans — a full century before the Battle of the Alamo.
          That’s  the  short  version.  Hundreds  of  Tricentennial-themed  May 2. History and Education. Thousands of San Anto-
        events, performances, lectures, exhibits, concerts, films and festivals  nio students will get a visit from historical performers touring area
        will fill in the gaps with everything from solemn remembrances to  schools throughout the week to bring the city’s history to life. Spe-
        celebrations of art, music and dance, led by the San Antonio Tri-  cial exhibits will also be on display at libraries, college campuses and
        centennial Commission in partnership with area organizations and  museums.

         36  San Antonio Medicine   •  May  2018                          Article Courtesy of  Home Design Décor magazine
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