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        Real Estate:



        By Ari Rastegar
        Founder and CEO of
        Rastegar Equity Partners

          Uncertainty in the public markets contin-  In every investment there is   When you factor this into an environment
        ues to cause unrest among global and do-  always risk.                   at high risk for inflation, investments that
        mestic investors, with inflation being one of  When considering alternatives, it is even  can generate higher yield are more attractive
        the  main  economic  theories  circulating  more important to find the right managers  if they can be done in a lower risk environ-
        amongst financial analysts about the cause  to work with — those who have a strong  ment.  When  sourcing  investments  —
        of the next market crash.           track record and a system in place to manage  whether in residential or commercial real es-
                                            the risks in a less regulated environment. As  tate — professionals will always have the
        What exactly is inflation?          a general rule, alternative investments are  competitive advantage in finding opportuni-
          The economic definition of inflation is “a  typically held in the portfolios of institu-  ties that that will generate strong risk-ad-
        general increase in prices and fall in the pur-  tional  and  high  net  worth  investors.  In-  justed yield.
        chasing  value  of  money.”  In  reality,  this  vestors seek alternatives because when done
        translates to ordinary expenses, like groceries  right, they offer other attractive benefits in a
        or gas, are going to cost more — and in  turbulent economy. These investments are  Historically, having an insulated
        some instances much more than one is ac-  said to be “non-correlated” to the public  alternative portfolio in a time of
        customed — without a relative increase in  markets, which essentially means that their  inflation has helped create a
        work related income.                value changes according to variables not di-  more balanced portfolio to
           Investing in “hard assets” such as gold  rectly related to the public markets.  counteract inflation.
        or other precious metals, oil or other natu-  As investors are considering their options,
        ral resources, and even art have historically  they should be reminded that that any income
        been protective investment vehicles to both  generated from bonds or other fixed income  Although all “hard asset” options can be
        protect against inflation, and in some in-  instruments should factor in the inflation rate  effective (and have been in the past) there is
        stances, turn a future profit. When an eco-  to determine their “real return” or “real inter-  one critical element that, when coupled with
        nomic  shift  happens,  investors  seek  est rate.” Essentially, this is the gross return.  hard assets, can have an exponential effect in
        alternative investments like commercial real  For example: If you earn a 5% return from a  not only defending against inflation, but gen-
        estate to their traditional public stock, bond  bond, and the inflation rate is 2%, then the  erating more real-time profit: income.
        and cash portfolios.                real return / real interest rate is 3%.   Real  estate,  namely,  income-producing

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