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        real estate, is a popular choice because rising  specialized profession that requires special-  of the tenant is based on the business itself,
        prices increase the resale value of the of  ized knowledge and hard work. There are  often a corporation with more locations to
        property. In addition, certain types of real  many steps that must be taken in a particular  secure the lease.
        estate  can  be  used  to  generate  income,  way  before  purchasing  a  rental  property.  One of the stark differences with invest-
        specifically from rent paid by tenants. There  This includes sourcing the property, con-  ing in commercial real estate vs. residential
        are many options for investors to seek cur-  ducting due diligence, budgeting for repairs,  is that the vast majority of the opportunities
        rent income in real estate, but the question  marketing the property to find a tenant, en-  available to investors are done by profession-
        that investors need to ask themselves is:   suring the tenant has the financial viability  als that specialize in real estate investing. This
                                             to lease the property, and a slew of other  does not mean that there is not risk, there is
                                             managerial tasks to maintain the property.  always risk. Compare this to the large por-
        How much risk am I taking or         On top of that, one must manage the finan-  tion of rental property owners who are using
        willing to take, and how much        cial  risks  associated  with  purchasing  the  their own, non-professional skills to deter-
        time and energy do I have to         property, not to mention personally guaran-  mine which properties to purchase for in-
        devote to these investments?         teeing a mortgage. And even if that laundry  vestment, and you can see the increased risk
                                             list of tasks is completed, one the biggest  of loss immediately.
                                             risk  factors  is  that  the  property  is  either
                                             100% occupied or 0% occupied.
                                                                                 Barring any undisclosed risks,
                                             What does that mean?                the diligence, management, and

                                              The vast majority of residential properties  operations of commercial real
                                             are single-tenant assets, so if they decide to  estate should be handled by a
                                             vacate the property early, no income is being  professional company, which
                                             generated to offset the costs associated with  allows the investor to receive
                                             owning  the  property,  and  the  investment  passive income, allowing their
                                             quickly turns into a massive liability. In order  money to work for them instead
                                             to protect against the 100% / 0% risk pro-  of signing up for another job.
                                             file, owning multiple houses to create a port-
                                             folio can help diversity the risk — which also
                                             incrementally  increases  the  work  and  the  Ari Rastegar is the founder and CEO of  Raste-
                                             capital outlay for purchase and upkeep. In ef-  gar Equity Partners, a Dallas-based private equity
                                             fect, this is not a passive investment like in-  real estate firm. Rastegar is a Platinum Sponsor of
                                             vesting  in  the  stock  market;  real  estate  the Medical Society. He can be reached at 917-703-
                                             requires active participation.      5027 or email:
                                               On the other hand, commercial real estate
                                             refers to any non-residential properties used
        Residential Real Estate VS           for  commercial  purposes  —  most  com-
        Commercial Real Estate               monly, apartment complexes, shopping cen-
           Many novice investors elect to buy resi-  ters, and office buildings. The properties in
        dential real estate and rent it out to generate  these instances are multi-tenant, so the risk
        income. On paper, this seems like a very at-  of default is spread out considerably and not
        tractive opportunity, but upon closer analy-  reliant on a single tenant for rental income.
        sis, the risk may not outweigh the reward.   In some cases, there are single-tenant com-
          To begin with, real estate investing is a  mercial properties as well, but the solvency

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