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          By David Lakey, MD

                       know dangerous infectious diseases are coming,  None of these answers, however, address the political and or-
        We             or coming back, and they have the potential not  ganizational challenges of being able to respond faster than the
                       just to cause tragic loss of life and health but to
                                                               disease spreads. One lesson I have learned from being in the mid-
                       threaten public safety and order. We often for-  dle of multiple recent events is that our federal, state, and local
        get they have the potential to change history.         response systems do not ramp up as quickly as needed. We saw
          It might be an influenza pandemic caused by a human-adaptive  this with U.S. Ebola cases in 2014, and we saw it last year with
        avian flu or a hemorrhagic fever virus such as Ebola. Or it could be  Zika. Without the ability to rapidly invest in targeted prevention,
        something totally unexpected, as Zika virus was last year.   our response against infectious disease outbreaks will remain too
          There's no question. We'll be confronting serious infectious dis-  slow. Politics at multiple levels frequently prevents this rapid, tar-
        ease threats in the future. History, biology, epidemiology, political  geted response from occurring.
        science, and common sense all point to it.               I agree with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Di-
          Transcontinental flights occur multiple times a day. The 7.4 billion  rector Tom Frieden, MD, and many other public health officials that
        people on this planet are expanding into previously uninhabited  it is time for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-
        areas and being exposed to potentially new infectious diseases. A  like resource for rapid responses to rapidly emerging infectious dis-
        large outbreak anywhere in the world is a direct threat to the United  eases  of  national  consequence.  FEMA,  which  assists  states  in
        States. Our primary tools to control infectious disease are either  responding to natural disasters, has proven an invaluable structure
        overused (antibiotics) or underused (vaccines). We have to expect  for dealing with potentially catastrophic events that require re-
        that new and harder-to-treat bacteria, viruses, and fungi will emerge  sponses that are fast, efficient, and massive.
        and will be rapidly transported worldwide.               FEMA isn't perfect, but it's a good starting place for imagining a
                                                               better structure for managing our national response to infectious
        What can we do to better prepare?                      diseases of national consequence. FEMA has streamlined the ability
          Good answers to that question include more research on vac-  for states to request and receive aid from the federal government
        cines and diagnostics, more refined models for tracking and pre-  in a natural disaster, and it has taken a lot of the partisan politics
        dicting the spread of  disease, reducing the unnecessary use of  out of the equation. Funds are made available early enough to mit-
        antibiotics  and  increasing  immunizations,  better  training  and  igate and respond effectively to the event, and controls are in place
        guidelines for health care workers who are on the front lines of  at the state and federal levels to ensure this resource is not abused.
        treating infectious disease, and better support of the essential pub-  As a nation, we've recognized that exceptional circumstances call
        lic health infrastructure.                             for exceptional processes and structures and that natural disaster
                                                                                                       continued on page 26
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