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Disruptive Innovation
and the Future of Health Care
By Edward Schumacher
The Term Disruptive Innovation has been a hot topic for many now the time that we will finally see true disruption?
years in the US economy (1). The U.S. health care industry has strug- Clayton Christensen describes three types of innovation (1). Sus-
gled for decades with the issue of high and rising costs, lack of access,
and less than optimal quality (2). As a result, there are many who taining innovation occurs by making good products better. These are
think that disruption is just what the health care industry needs (3). products or service of the highest quality sold to the most sophisti-
However, this has been very difficult to achieve. As a new adminis- cated customers for higher profits and continually updated with en-
tration comes into office promising huge change in health care, is hanced features. An example is the iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 7, etc. Each
new version replaced the previous and the size of the market stays
30 San Antonio Medicine • April 2017