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                                                                                                   Ranakpur Temple

Incredible India!

                                                 By Roberta Lynn Krueger, MD

  Incredible India, as advertised, is that, but  cremation site, the Jama Masjid, and Hu-          gave some peace to this beautiful monument.
so much more. For me, India was an educa-        mayans Tomb, we were surrounded by young            A change in our flight made us leave Delhi
tional immersion into a culture filled with      eighth grade girls wishing us Merry Christ-
religions, colors, sounds, smells, and tastes    mas as they took pictures with us.                later than planned, which allowed us to see
new to me, with some of the world’s friend-                                                        the distinctive Lotus Temple, a Baha'i house
liest people.                                      As an obstetrician, I imagine Shah Jahan’s      of worship. Quiet time in this architectural
                                                 wife died from hemorrhage after having his        and structural wonder of white marble was
  Upon landing in Delhi, the smell of            14th child. She was deserving of the leg-         an interesting contrast to the busy Taj. Arriv-
smoke, the visual of fog at 3 a.m., the traffic  endary white marble Taj Mahal built as her        ing late in Udaipur at our lovely hotel, we
was busy by San Antonio standards. On our        mausoleum. An imposing structure, even            joined the AAPI delegation. At breakfast the
trip to Apollo Hospital the next morning the     now one is struck by the juxtaposition of the     next morning I discovered delicious dosa, a
traffic was intense. We saw a family of four     haves and have nots that exist in Agra today.     crepe-like food filled with potatoes and
on a motorcycle, autorickshaws zipping in        Our guide told us in Shah Jahan’s time his        lentils. As we ventured into the countryside,
and out with no apparent lanes, trucks blow-     third son, tired of his father’s lavish spending  I was struck by the ancient history this land
ing horns and bikes with large platforms on      (58 million for the Taj in today’s money),        holds. The Pratap museum told of Pratap
the back all sharing the highway. A trip to a    killed his two older siblings and put his fa-     and his horse who helped save the day, all
large Hindu temple began our teaching in         ther in house arrest, taking over the king-       narrated in Hindi. Dr. Shah helped me un-
Hindu religion with a colorful water laser       dom. Visiting the garden area across the river    derstand this dramatic story.
show. On Christmas day, as we saw Gandhi’s       from the Taj as the afternoon came to a close
                                                                                                     Our next stop was Nathdwara, meaning

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