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New Year Celebration Udaipur
Gateway of the Lord Krishna. Hinduism, the one another getting to know our traveling was full of rich stories as he drew out expla-
world’s oldest religion, has many stories all companions. This fort has a wall second in nations of Hindu religion for us. The trip to
with valuable lessons for the followers. There length to the Great Wall of China. The wall Mahabalipuram, included the shore temple,
were beautiful hand paintings in the shrine. is very steep and the area inside has a great from the 8th Century, a UNESCO site.
I have no pictures because as with many number of temples. We left our bus and took There were also stone rathas carved in 600
places there were no cell phones or purses al- a jeep to one of seven great gates. After hik- A.D. The friendly people of Southern India
lowed. Afterwards, we went to a busy bazaar ing the fort and lunch we barely made it to continued taking pictures with us, being cu-
where you bargain for jewelry and there are the Temple of Ranakpur. It is the most lovely rious about myself and Dr. Do, our Buddhist
cows wandering about. The bumpy ride of the Jain Temples, with the most detailed monk. Despite a cyclone two months ago,
home gave us all some extra steps on our fit- marble carving of the ones we have seen. For- Chennai is a busy and thriving city, is also a
bits. eign people, all of us really, but myself most sister city to San Antonio.
notably, had to leave by 5 p.m. Locals could
The AAPI (American Association of stay until 8 p.m. That evening we had a joint meeting with
Physicians of Indian Origin) program that their medical society and Dr. Shah conveyed
evening featured the Central Health Minister New Year’s Eve Day showed gorgeous Mayor Ivy Taylor’s kind words. He gave a
of India and the President of AAPI. The hall weather for the city called the Venice of the check on behalf of AAPI to help build a
was decorated with flowers and flower petals East, Udaipur. The city palace on Lake Pi- school.
arranged in designs. A lighting of the flame chola is from a fairy tale — a ladies court,
to Parvati, the colorful sarees and men carrier pigeons, an elephant fighting area, On our last day we were able to see the
dressed in silk jackets, I knew I was in India. enameled tiles, and a crystal collection. The M.V. Diabetic Hospital and finished with
The Central Minister’s comments concen- scenery on the boat ride was my favorite part site seeing. St. Thomas Cathedral, one of
trated on the decline of infection, specifically of the trip. A stroll around the garden of the only three cathedrals built over the remains
yaws, whereas preventable diseases (diabetes, maids reminded me of the Alhambra in the of apostles, is located in Chennai. The gov-
heart disease, etc.) were not discussed. The era of long ago. ernment museum has bronze casting of 9th
highlight of the evening were Rajasthan and 12th Century Nataraja and other Gods.
dancing groups in ethnic costumes with It is an experience to celebrate New Year’s A trip to the Murugan Idli shop for a taste
music, followed by dinner that was new and in a country other than your own. I decided of local flavor was Dr. Shahs treat to us. Eat-
delicious. to dress the part in a sari and bangles. Anu- ing off banana leaves with Prachi and our
pama and her mother helped me get it all group was a special memory. The fabric store
The trip to Mount Abu was a journey straight. The resort had food stations and of my dreams was the Nalli Chin-
back in time. Bumping along we saw primi- music. It was a festive night. nasamichetta with room after room of color-
tive farming, oxen used to bring water up ful silk.
from a well, planting by hand, women work- An early flight to Chennai was delayed in
ing construction wearing sarees, little villages Mumbai, but it was no problem as Viet Do Our trip came to a close with a 3 a.m.
with rubble in the streets and country hay and I did a little shopping. Our hotel in flight home. We left with new friends, new
stacks out of a Monet painting. We stopped Chennai was serene despite being close to the understandings, time for reflection and
for tea on the way and only had non-Western airport. The silk sarees, flowers, chalk paint- peace. I was able to learn more about the cul-
toilets, a hardship for many of the women. ings, fruit stands, and Hindu temples are full ture, country, and religions of the place some
Up on the mountain monkeys dot the stops of color in southern India. Our guide here of my patients call home.
wanting a handout. The Jain temples built in
the 11th Century are like no Western art.
They are intricately carved white marble pil-
lars and ceilings that defy description. Jains
believe all living things have value. They have
Buddha like Gods but their eyes are always
open. Our best lunch was an outdoor restau-
rant called Chacha Restaurant, vegetarian,
with great service. Dr. Shah had us all share
a special gift we have other than medicine.
Later on our way to town and Nakki Lake,
the Harpers went in a person drawn cart as
we passed a colorful Tibetan market.
A trip to Kumbhalgarh Fort, again on a
bumpy narrow road, allowed us to talk with
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