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                                                                        OF MEDICINE

  “Non term” courses in CBE programs generally mean that stu-           upon their choices to attend or hire. First, does the competency de-
dents are enrolled in a traditional one, two, or three-credit hour      velopment within the CBE program match the human capital needs
course that provides credit toward earning a degree; however, stu-      of the field, organization, or intended field of practice? Additionally,
dents are not bound by traditional time-based semester require-         what level of rigor and/or development is inherent within the pro-
ments. In these type of CBE courses, students may progress              gram of study? Finally, does the institution and CBE program hold
through course materials and exercises at their own pace, working       appropriate institutional and\or programmatic\specialized accredi-
with a faculty member for feedback and guidance, until they are         tation necessary to establish validity within the healthcare field?
ready to be assessed to determine if competency standards are met.      Finding CBE programs that fill valuable competency development
In the event that the student does not meet competency standard         needs with appropriate rigor that carry regional accreditation at the
requirements, the student would resume further development              institutional level and programmatic\specialized accreditation as nec-
within the course, following faculty member feedback and guid-          essary will meaningfully increase the likelihood of leveraging CBE
ance until the student is ready for reassessment. Normally, these       in the healthcare field.
type of “non term” courses do not provide boundless time for stu-
dents to complete enrolled courses because of financial aid require-    References:
ments. Many CBE institutions set one-year as the maximum time             Beauvais, B., Wood, S., Brezinski, P., Kim, F., and Mangelsdorff,
to complete a “non term” course while some institutions offer CBE
courses on a periodic, e.g. 6-month, subscription basis where stu-      A. (2011). Adoption and Implementation of Competency-Based
dents can complete as many competency-based courses as they are         Education-The Army-Baylor Approach. Journal of Health Admin-
able within the subscription period.                                    istration Education. Volume 28. Number 4. 299 – 313.

  Direct assessment courses in CBE programs is associated with            Broom, K. and Turner, J. (2015). A Competency-Based Approach
varying forms of prior learning assessment and/or evaluation of com-    to Functional Area Expertise. Journal of Health Administration Ex-
petencies developed. The programs that provide direct assessment        ecution. Volume 32. Number 1. 25 – 46.
CBE offer courses or formal course-like assessments that students
enroll to evaluate their specific level of competency attainment and      Commission on Healthcare Management Education. (2016).
corresponding credit earned toward a degree. Once students have         Available at:
been directly assessed, then a tailored schedule of courses is devel-
oped for each student, usually in traditional term-based, face-to-face    U.S. News (2016). Best Graduate Schools: Healthcare Manage-
or online format, to complete degree requirements.                      ment. Available at: http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.
  Within the healthcare field, a number of Bachelors in Science         ment-rankings
Nursing degree completion (RN to BSN) programs have emerged
in the CBE format such as those programs offered by Western Gov-          Kamenetz, A. (2013). Are You Competent? Prove it. Degrees
ernors University, Brandman University, and the University of Wis-      Based on What You can Do, Not How Long You Went. New York
consin system. The University of Louisville will be offering a CBE      Times. The Disrupters. October 29, 2013.
healthcare leadership bachelor’s degree in the Fall 2016 based on the
National Center for Healthcare Leadership competency model.               Kelchen, R. (2015). The Landscape of Competency-Based Edu-
Other institutions are offering CBE degree programs in disciplines      cation. American Enterprise Institute. Center on Higher Education
such as diagnostic imaging, health informatics, and healthcare man-     Reform.
agement. Additionally, a number of CBE certificate programs in
health-related disciplines are being offered.                             Porter, S. and Reilly, K. (2014). Competency-Based Education as
                                                                        a Potential Strategy to Increase Learning and Lower Costs. Maxi-
  Looking forward, healthcare organizations and healthcare profes-      mizing Resources for Student Success Research Project. Sponsored
sionals may benefit from the potential cost-effectiveness and effi-     by HCM Strategists, LLC. Available at: http://www.hcmstrategists
ciency of developing human capital through current and developing       .com/maximizingresources/images/CBE_Paper.pdf
CBE processes. As potential students and employers evaluate CBE
programs and institutions, a few key considerations should bear            The Competency-Based Education Network. (2016). Available

                                                                          Note: Jeffrey Sun is a professor at the University of Louisville. Ann
                                                                        Herd is an assistant professor at the University of Louisville.

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