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                                            By Francisco González-Scarano, MD

  According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv-            many other social issues. This trend underscores the need to address
ices, approximately 10,000 Americans become 65 years old every          the complex issues of longevity and aging.
day. This is a common talking point for many federal policy and
planning discussions. Although this trend is currently fueled by the      One way to mitigate the ripple effect of care and costs is to find
‘baby boom’ generation, it will continue unabated because of the        a way to reduce or limit the effects of the debilitating conditions
lengthening of life expectancy and the decreasing birth rate in our     and diseases associated with aging. That is the mission of the Sam
country. By the year 2040, it is estimated that older adults will rep-  and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, part of
resent more than 21 percent of the total U.S. population, and that      The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. The
by 2060, there will be 98 million Americans 65 and older.               Barshop Institute is one of the leading organizations in the country
                                                                        solely dedicated to aging research. It is also special in that it con-
  With one of the largest elderly populations in the country,           ducts studies from the bench through translational research.
Texas is likely to feel the effects of this acutely. By 2030, older
Texans will represent 5.9 million people, or 19.4 percent of the          The Institute was founded in 2001 through a leadership gift from
state’s population.                                                     Sam and Ann Barshop. Their vision in making the gift was to ad-
                                                                        vance “leading edge” basic research for studies of aging and age re-
  The longer life expectancies result in a population that is more      lated diseases and to establish The Sam and Ann Barshop Institute
likely to suffer from multiple and concurrent declines in health and    for Longevity and Aging Studies at the UT Health Science Center
with more chronic diseases. This could have a severe impact on long     San Antonio. Mr. Barshop was a noted Texas businessman and
term healthcare costs and access, as well as have implications for      Founder and Chairman of the Board of La Quinta Inns, Inc. He

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