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continued from page 41                                                  their family members and caregivers, as well as the doctors and
                                                                        healthcare systems that treat them – are all just the tip of iceberg of
typically used for diabetes prevents or reduces frailty in pre-dia-     this complex equation. This is to say nothing of the legislative/po-
betic older adults.                                                     litical issues wrapped around the funding and infrastructure of
                                                                        health care services.
Local Partnerships
  While the Barshop Institute’s many studies encompass a broad            The Barshop Institute plays a crucial role in the search for solu-
                                                                        tions as it looks at the bigger picture of aging and health. From the
range of subjects, the potential impact to our local and regional com-  institute’s molecular and basic science research, to non-human and
munity is significant. In an effort to bring the community closer to    human treatment models and clinical trials, as well as educational
the process, a Community Advisory Board is being implemented            programs to support the next generation of aging and disease re-
with local partners such as the Bexar Area Agency on Aging, Morn-       searchers, the Barshop Institute will continue to play a crucial role
ingside Ministries, Well-Med and others involved in the care of the     in achieving this national priority: helping people grow older while
elderly and the social issues involved in aging. The advisory board’s   maintaining their health.
first order of business is to offer input on how best to engage the
community in establishing a referral database for research that is        To participate, to refer participants to studies or to become a part
comprised of adults of all ages.                                        of the database referenced please contact 210-450-0020. You may
                                                                        also learn more about participating in the Community Advisory
  The Barshop Institute has launched a South Texas Aging Repos-         Board by calling that number.
itory database that will be comprised of adults of all ages interested
in participating in research studies. It is anticipated that the data                    Francisco González-Scarano, Dean, School of Medi-
will cover everything from descriptions on the natural history of                     cine, Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs
aging, identifying risk factors for premature aging and the effective-                University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
ness of life-extending therapies.                                                     Professor of Neurology

  The issues of aging and declining health have impact at a national
level. The elderly fighting chronic disease and cancers – along with

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