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                                                                      DEAN’S MESSAGE

was also the Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Barshop & Oles                                         Dr. Musi’s personal expertise is diabetes
Company, a privately owned, Texas-based, full-service commercial                                   and metabolic disease, as well as the effects
real estate development and management company which has                                           of aging on cellular metabolism and ensu-
owned, developed or managed more than 5 million square feet of                                     ing disease-causing abnormalities. This
shopping centers, industrial and office properties, limited service                                aligns with the Barshop Institute’s strategy
hotels, and acclaimed mixed-use projects located in major Texas                                    of developing interventions that reduce the
cities. A proud graduate of The University of Texas at Austin, Mr.                                 risk of, or prevent, an array of comorbidi-
Barshop served on the Board of Regents of The University of Texas                                  ties at the same time.
System. Ann Barshop was a consummate community volunteer,
and devoted wife and mother who greatly supported her husband’s                                      Under Dr. Musi’s leadership, the institute
legendary success.                                                                                 has continued to be the only ongoing recip-
                                                                                                   ient of the Nathan Shock Center that uses
  The Barshop Institute is the only facility in the country to boast                               state-of-the-art scientific infrastructure in
three major programs of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) (a                                   multiple animal models to address ques-
division of the National Institutes of Health). These programs in-                                 tions about the basic biological mechanisms
clude The San Antonio Aging Interventions Testing Program which                                    of aging. Last year the Nathan Shock Cen-
is comprised of the following components: (1) The Nathan Shock                                     ter was renewed for five years, with perfect
Center, which funds basic science research on small animal models;                                 scores in all categories of its assessment.
(2) The San Antonio Claude D. Pepper Center Older Americans
Independence Center dedicated to translational research, and (3)      A Complex Array of Diseases and Conditions
the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs Geriatric Research, Educa-        Aging is often a component of metabolic diseases such as diabetes,
tion and Clinical Center (GRECC).
                                                                      obesity, hypertension and heart conditions, as well as the most sig-
  Since 2013, the Barshop Institute has been led by Nicolas Musi,     nificant risk factor for other diseases like arthritis and cancer. The
MD. Dr. Musi is a Professor of Medicine, as well as director of the   Barshop Institute is unique in that it is part of the relatively nascent
Center for Healthy Aging and the GRECC. The GRECC features            field of “geoscience.” Dr. Musi explains this as a hypothesis based
both research and graduate medical education programs focused on      on targeting diseases from a broad approach where interventions can
geriatrics and other needs of the aging veteran community. GRECC      impact the risk or onset of multiple age-related conditions and dis-
programs include pharmacy, occupational therapy and physical ther-    eases. The institute conducts research in humans and in non-human
apy, as well as many of the complex and diverse needs of this group   models such as small rodents, the experimental worm C. elegans,
of veterans.                                                          and fruit flies. It also has the world’s only facility with a barrier-pro-
                                                                      tected marmoset colony.

                                                                        While the Barshop Institute has a broad reputation on a number
                                                                      of levels, in 2009, Barshop researcher Randy Strong PhD, developed
                                                                      a Rapamycin formula that demonstrated the ability to extend the
                                                                      maximum life-span of middle-aged mice by 28 to 38 percent. This
                                                                      was the first pharmaceutical intervention shown to extend longevity
                                                                      in mice. Veronica Galvan PhD, built upon this foundational learn-
                                                                      ing by demonstrating that Rapamycin improves learning and mem-
                                                                      ory of mice engineered to have Alzheimer-like deficits. In 2013,
                                                                      Dean Kellogg, MD, PhD tested Rapamycin in a clinical trial with
                                                                      four military veterans who received the drug and four others who
                                                                      received a placebo thereby demonstrating the translational research
                                                                      methods of the Institute; the data obtained from these studies are
                                                                      being analyzed.

                                                                        Another important aging condition is frailty. Frailty alone is a
                                                                      leading cause of falling, disability or the requirement of nursing
                                                                      home placement. Current work includes investigations by Sara
                                                                      Espinoza. MD, MSc to identify whether metformin treatment

                                                                                                                                          continued on page 42

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