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the same area he was the previous day and did not see him so went       Suggested reading:
out and called. Our dog, Patch, walked to me with his head down.          Stress reduction through meditation may aid in slowing of progression
Has he come back into the house? I looked inside the house and
then went to the back of the house, still no sign of N. I called out    of Alzheimers disease. Neuroscience Letters, Nov 2013.
loudly. I heard a groan very close by. He had fallen on the other side    Does Meditation Enhance Cognition and Brain Plasticity? Glen L.
of a bush where he was grafting. I ran to him. He was not respond-
ing. His breathing was slow and labored, his pulse was strong but       Xiong, P. Murali Doraiswamy. Annals of New York Academy of Sci-
over 100, his normal pulse is in the 60’s. I felt his head and found    ence, 1196, 2009
no bumps or bruises and no bleeding. I thought of snake bite. There
was nothing obvious. I had no phone or watch on me, so I ran in
and called 911, then ran back to him with my cell phone. I tried to
move him but couldn’t budge him even an inch. I could hear the
ambulance at a distance. N was cold, sweaty, that touch that was all
too familiar to a clinician. Then the ambulance arrived.

           Rajam Ramamurthy, MD
           Professor Emeritus, UTHSCSA

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