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                                         DOCTORSWHAT CARS DO
                                         An Unscientific Study (Vol. 2)

                                         By Fred H. Olin, MD

  About six years ago, I wrote an article with the same title that was     data into an Excel spreadsheet. Whilst perusing the data and rear-
published here. I recently bought a little pocket-sized voice recorder     ranging it in various ways, he added a column for the national origin
to help me remember things that came to mind while I was driving,          of the vehicle. It was decided that this would be specifically the home
to record talks I’ve given, etc. As I fiddled with it one day, I realized  country of the manufacturer; for example, even though most Toyotas
that it was ideal to do what I had done then: take an informal census      are made here in the USA, they were listed as Japanese.
of the cars in doctors-only lots and see if things had changed. So,
here goes: some of the text is recycled from the original: I couldn’t      RESULTS:
seem to improve it.                                                           A total of 283 different vehicles were counted last time, and

MATERIALS AND METHODS:                                                     287 this time. There were more empty parking spaces than I re-
  The author took his trusty Ford 150 (which was counted only              membered from before, and there has been the loss of some ca-
                                                                           pacity here and there.
once [and which he was driving six years ago]) and his ID card and
made the rounds of five different hospital parking lots that require         First, here’s a little table showing the national origin, number
the card or an RFID for entry. These were at Methodist Main, St.           and percentage of all of he vehicles counted, and what has changed
Luke’s Baptist, Methodist Specialty and Transplant, Metropolitan           over the years:
Methodist and North Central Baptist. Although he visited at least
two other hospitals during the study, these had open lots. There was       Country          2010        2016
considered to be too much risk of contamination by non-physician-            Japan   No. Percent  No. Percent
owned vehicles. At each location, he took out the little recorder and                123 43.77%   121 42.16%
undertook to record data about each of the cars parked there at the        Germany    73 25.98%    78 27.18%
moment. This was done early in the day, usually between 7:30 and              USA     64 22.78%    68 23.69%
9:30 a.m., when there were the maximum numbers available. As he                       12 4.27%     10 3.48%
walked through the lot, he dictated make, model (if available) and          England
the first three characters of the license tag. No attempt was made           Korea     2 0.71%      7 2.44%
to determine the model year, as the author is ignorant of this sort of        Italy    2 0.71%      2 0.70%
thing. Later, at home, he listened to the recordings and entered the        Sweden     5 1.78%      1 0.35%
                                                                             Total   281          287

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