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proven Independent Physician Association (IPA). Yet others are still    the coordination of care for patients. Of course, the doctor must
independent. Seldom does the marketplace agree with one model           be in the right IPA model and in a risk sharing IPA to see upside fi-
over another, which is why there are many substitutes designed to       nancial potential in such a model.
accommodate the needs of a wide group of physicians and their re-
spective philosophies in the practice of medicine. The regulatory en-     The emphasis going forward will be on population based man-
vironment will never go away; however, the market will allow many       agement, which is simply making sure that the patients under the
options for physicians as to how and with whom they want to align       care of a doctor are receiving appropriate outcomes and follow-up
with to manage the maze of regulations.                                 and that the interventions are indeed working. Yes, this will require
                                                                        additional management of the patients in a different manner than
  Physicians should adapt to the increasing payment systems that        many physicians have been accustomed to managing. Nevertheless,
continue to change. Now many physicians should pay attention to         the marketplace has responded to assisting the physician in the man-
the outcome of patient services to be appropriately reimbursed in-      agement of this population. There are many Accountable Care Or-
stead of volume of services provided to patients. This new payment      ganizations (ACOs) that can assist, though some ACOs do not have
system, as part of the ACA, can be the silver lining of the ACA.        a proven track record. There are also various IPAs that have assisted
                                                                        physicians to receive up to 200 percent of the FFS Medicare equiv-
  Under the Medicare Advantage program, the health plans are paid       alent when the PCPs perform the care that they were trained and
based on the previous claims experience of the patients that have se-   motivated to perform.
lected the doctor as their Primary Care Physician (PCP). The patient
is assigned a Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) score.             It is true that the ACA has dramatically changed the way physi-
Thus, each patient has a dollar amount that correlates to the RAPS      cians must approach the practice of patients to keep their practice
score. A patient that is “healthy” has a lower dollar amount assigned   viable. And the ACA has created many unintended consequences
to the patient. A “sick” patient has a higher dollar amount assigned    for many physicians that have not been very positive. Nevertheless,
to the patient. A patient that does not have a lot of health problems   they do not have to go it alone since the marketplace has adopted
or has health problems and has not seen a physician in a while will     many delivery systems to help the physician manage the new regu-
have a low “risk adjustment score” which will equate to a lower pay-    latory environment. Medical Societies are one of the advocates for
ment to the health plan from Center of Medicare and Medicaid            physicians in managing the new regulatory environment. Inde-
Services (CMS).                                                         pendent Practice Associations (IPAs) are yet another, that advocate
                                                                        for physicians. Physicians can select a “business” model that suits
  The health plans often enter into various reimbursements with         their practice, lifestyle, and philosophy and many will earn more in-
physicians in one of three broad categories. Physicians that are cap-   come because of the ACA if they pay attention to the changes and
itated by the health plans often see an adjustment in their capitation  adopt accordingly. In this one narrow space of the ACA, both the
payment correlated to the RAP scores. A physician that receive FFS      doctor and the regulators want the same thing; improved outcomes
are largely unaffected on the front end on RAP scores since they are    for patients and higher reimbursements for Physicians!
paid on a FFS basis. Physicians that enter into risk arrangements
can be affected by the RAP scores. Physicians that accept risk from       Seldom is regulation all good or bad. And there are times when it
a health plan can be have their upside bonus money at risk for many     can be difficult to see any good of some regulation. In the case of
factors including satisfaction levels of the patient. For Physicians    the ACA, paying physicians for creating a good outcome for a pa-
that are passionate in providing the right level of care with a high    tient is appropriate. Physicians can be rewarded for their passion
level of service will ultimately receive, over time, increasing higher  with the value based payment system. Of course, no reimbursement
reimbursements for their patients when they enter into risk arrange-    system is perfect and though there can be rewards to the physician,
ments with health plans directly or via an IPA. The administration      there can also be pitfalls, which is why it can be helpful to seek as-
of this population based model is indeed complex; however, there        sistance from organizations that can help the physician navigate
are many companies and IPAs that have been created to assist inde-      through the maze of an increasing and hostile regulatory framework.
pendent physicians with managing the maze so physicians can do          Finding the silver lining of a regulation is not easy; however, there
what they love; practice medicine and improve the outcomes of their     are times when it does exist.
                                                                                       Alan Preston, MHA, Sc.D., is the Executive Director of
  The silver lining in this value based model is that most Primary                  IntegraNet Health, an IPA that helps physicians navigate
Care Physicians (PCPs) can continue practicing medicine. They can                   through the difficult regulatory framework and helps them
treat the patient for co-morbidities if needed, follow-up on the                    achieve higher reimbursements from insurance companies.
progress of the patient’s care, and provide a high level of customer    His experience has been divided between running HMOs, large physi-
service. In other words, physicians can be rewarded for doing what      cian practices, and academia. He earned both his Master’s and his Doc-
they have been trained to do all along: treat the entirety of the pa-   torate at Tulane’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in
tient and get appropriately paid for the services provided. Some of     Health Services Research and Epidemiology
the IPAs create a model that works so well to incentivize physicians
to spend more quality time with each patient and to participate in                                                           visit us at 25
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