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                                                                           IN REAL TIME

took his tablet. One day I thought that he had taken more than one.        the water in the food.
N would say that he does not need any medication and that he has             N’s sisters in India were doing different ‘Pujas’ to their favorite
reached a state of self-realization. Nevertheless he took it like an obe-
dient child. I was reminded of the movie ‘One Flew Over the                deities praying for his recovery. They requested me to do a ‘puja’ to
Cuckoo’s Nest’ where Jack Nicholson obediently takes the pill that         Shiva. My brother was with me that day. I asked N if he will partic-
the nurse puts in his mouth followed by a gulp of water, pretends          ipate since his sister had suggested this. He agreed and we chanted
to swallow, opens his mouth so the nurse can inspect while he hides        the name of Shiva 108 times. Being a very close family, my sisters
the pill under his tongue and spits it out later. N did swallow the        in Los Angeles and Las Cruces and my sister-in-law in Houston all
pill. Navigating everyday life was stressful in making sure he ate         did the Puja with us from wherever they were. Whether it made a
healthy food as he was eating uncontrollably especially sweet food,        difference to N or not it made me feel good.
that he got some fresh air as he did not have any desire to step into
the garden – his heaven before the illness, engaging him in activities       The use of yoga and meditation has increased in the U.S. in recent
so he won’t get to the computer, and worry about safety so he won’t        years. A study was done at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
get into the car and drive or go out of the gate on his own. To this       comparing two groups of patients with Alzheimer’s Dementia.
day he has not crossed these lines.                                        Group one did a combination of yoga and meditation and the other
                                                                           did memory enhancement exercises like crossword puzzles. At the
  During this trying period our children, extended family and very         beginning and end of 12 weeks of treatment both groups had a
close friends were god’s gift to me. I constantly had someone vis-         memory test and MRI of the brain. The yoga and meditation group
iting. We accomplished a lot each time the children came. Medical          demonstrated greater improvements in visual-spatial memory skills –
and financial power of attorney was in the works. Bank accounts            the ability to navigate and remember locations – than those who en-
were secured. Long term care insurance claim was being processed.          gaged in memory enhancement training.
To digress a little, I highly recommend long-term care insurance
for all young people. You start off at a very low premium and it             It was almost a month since medication was started. The dose was
really served us in a timely manner. N eagerly awaited his younger         at 50 mg. N was getting worse. Driving with him was extremely
brother’s visit. His brother is an urologist, a person who is very re-     stressful. He would constantly instruct me to turn, exit, speed or
ligious and adheres to rituals very staunchly. He is well read in the      slowdown. Once when we were riding with our friends the driver
Hindu scriptures and Upanishads and has a very deep understand-            had gone past the exit. N insisted that he knew where to go and we
ing of the complex philosophies. Before he arrived he had long             drove on 1604 for many miles before we stopped listening to him
conversations with me explaining N’s symptomatology on the basis           and turned around. It was very puzzling how three adults, all physi-
of meditation.                                                             cians, were unable to fathom the altered mental status of N. In
                                                                           thinking back I can’t explain why I or others faked the façade of nor-
  Researchers have long known that meditation changes the brains           malcy when we were with him when he was so obviously unwell. It
of those who practice it. N’s brother explained how through medi-          is important to pay attention to safety and, if the caregiver is not
tation one is raising the level of the ‘Kundalini,’ or consciousness,      physically capable, to have help at home or nearby.
gradually to reach realization. He thought that N has reached a
higher level of consciousness and that negative forces are pulling him       One more visit to the psychiatrist on a Friday and the dose of the
down and this struggle has created a state of utmost tension, sleep-       medicine was doubled to 100 mg. On Monday N on his own said
lessness and anxiety. I suggested to N that he should stop medita-         that he wanted to work in the yard, the yard being five acres of Texas
tion. He refused and continued to meditate. What was going                 wilderness except for an acre right around the house. N’s hobby was
through his mind during the meditation I will never know but I saw         to grow fruit trees. In March he busied himself with grafting. Two
him coming back to bed tense and not being able to fall asleep. One        days after the increased dose of medicine he was out grafting plants
of our good friends, also a man given to religion and spirituality,        for nearly an hour. I kept an eye on him, very happy that he was
suggested that I do a certain ‘Puja’ worship every day where we offer      back to an activity he loved. Is this the beginning of a recovery? The
water to the deity and drink a spoon of that water. He knows well          next day April 12, 2016 in the evening he again said he wants to go
that N does not believe in rituals so he suggested that I might mix        out and graft. That night our son and his family were coming home
                                                                           to spend their spring break. I was cooking and must have lost track
                                                                           of time for about 20 minutes. I looked through the window around

                                                                                                                                               continued on page 28

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