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San Antonio –                                                            cycle — especially when one considers the duration of the two
Increasingly Attractive for In-                                          previous cycles when activity and pricing bottomed in 2001 &
vestors                                                                  2009 (see above).

  While medical real estate has been hot                                   While value metrics and total transaction volumes remain quite
nationally, real estate investors have tar-                              strong, there are concerns that the current acquisition appetite
geted Texas with more intensity due to                                   will not continue forever. Some of the most aggressive medical
steady economic results and impressive                                   real estate investors, real estate investment trusts (REITs), have
population growth. A recent San Antonio                                  dramatically slowed their purchase rate, from $54 billion annually
Express News article confirmed what we                                   from 2012 to 2014, to just $17 billion dollars in the second half
all see. The greater San Antonio MSA has
been buoyed by very stable growth, aver-                                                                                               continued on page 36
aging 2.2 percent annual population
growth since 2012. More impressively,                                                                                         visit us at 35
San Antonio is expected to add 1.1 mil-
lion people by 2040, an astounding up-
ward trajectory.

  Rest assured, if we are reading about
these growth metrics in our hometown
newspaper, the decision makers at real es-
tate funds are far ahead of the curve. The
San Antonio medical real estate market is
at a very exciting intersection — the
combination of attractive medical assets
and eager, well-funded buyers has rewarded many physicians with
impressive monetization opportunities.

  To take advantage of the current opportunity, physicians can con-
tact a healthcare real estate specialist to evaluate real estate values
and to implement appropriate action plans.

Cyclical Timing
  Currently, we are 7 years into an improving real estate market.

It is important to note that 7 years is a long time for a real estate
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