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grading your equipment or tech-         physicians to keep practicing just                        Jon Wiegand advises healthcare
nology? Expanding your office           the way they like.”                                   professionals on
space? We offer loans to meet                                                   “Inspiring Action, Maximizing Po-       their real estate decisions. These
your business or personal needs.        ELECTRONIC MEDICAL                      tential”                                include investment sales- acquisi-
Competitive rates, favorable terms      RECORDS                                                                         tions and dispositions, tenant rep-
and local decisions.                                                            Aspect Wealth Management                resentation, leasing,
Gregg Thorne                            Greenway Health                         (HHH Gold Sponsor)                      sale leasebacks, site selection and
SVP Lending                             (HHH Gold Sponsor)                      We believe wealth is more than          development projects
210-308-7819                            Greenway Health offers a fully          money, which is why we improve          Jon Wiegand                  integrated electronic health record     and simplify the lives of our clients,  210-585-4911                     (EHR/EMR), practice management          granting them greater satisfaction,
                                        (PM) and interoperability solution      confidence and freedom to     
RBFCU                                   that helps healthcare providers         achieve more in life.                   “Call today for a free real estate
(HH Silver Sponsor)                     improve care coordination, quality      Jeffrey Allison                         analysis, valued at $5,000”
210-945-3800                            and satisfaction while functioning      210-268-1530                        at their highest level of efficiency.   jallison@                               hIPAA/MANAGED                           Regional Sales Manager                                IT/VOIP/SECURITY
                                        Jason Siegel                  
CONTRACTORS/BUILDERS                    512-657-1259                            “Get what you deserve … maxi-           Hill Country Tech Guys
/COMMERCIAL                            mize your Social Security benefit!”     (HHH Gold Sponsor)
                                                Frost Leasing                           Provides complete technology serv-
Huffman Developments                                                                                                    ices to many different industries,
(HHH Gold Sponsor)                      EMPLOYEE BENEFITS                       (HHH Gold Sponsor)                      specializing in the needs of the fi-
Premier medical and professional                                                As one of the largest Texas-based       nancial and medical industries.
office condominium developer.           e-ESI                                   banks, Frost has helped Texans with     Since 2006, our goal has always
Our model allows you to own your        (HHH Gold Sponsor)                      their financial needs since 1868, of-   been to deliver relationship-based
own office space as opposed to          Locally owned since 1999, we be-        fering award-winning customer           technology services that exceed
leasing.                                lieve it’s all about relationships. We  service and a range of banking, in-     expectations.
Steve Huffman                           keep our partners compliant assist-     vestment and insurance services to      Whit Ehrich, CEO
210-979-2500                            ing with human resource adminis-        individuals and businesses.             830-386-4234
Shawn Huffman                           tration/management, workers’            Laura Elrod Eckhardt          
210-979-2500                            compensation/risk management,           210-220-4135                                        benefit administration, and payroll.            “IT problems? Yeah… we can
                                        We help our partners concentrate                       fix that!”
RC Page Construction, LLC               on what they do best...Service their    “Commercial leasing for a doctor’s
(HHH Gold Sponsor)                      customers.                              business equipment and vehicle.”        hOSPITALS/ hEALThCARE
Commercial general contractor           Lisa Mochel                                                                     SERVICES
specializing in ground-up & inte-       (210) 495-1171                          GRADUATE PROGRAMS
rior finish out projects. Services in-
clude conceptual & final pricing,                         Trinity University                      Southwest General Hospital
design-build & construction man-                                                (HH Silver Sponsor)                     (HHH Gold Sponsor)
agement. Single-source manage-          FINANCIAL SERVICES                      The Executive Master’s Program in       Southwest General is a full-service
ment from concept to completion                                                 Healthcare Administration is ranked     hospital, accredited by DNV, serving
ensures continuity through              Northwestern Mutual Wealth              in the Top 10 programs nationally. A    San Antonio for over 30 years.
all phases of the project.              Management                              part-time, hybrid-learning program      Quality awards include accredited
Clay Page                               (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)             designed for physicians and health-     centers in: Chest Pain, Primary
210-375-9150                            Our mission is to help you enjoy a      care managers to pursue a gradu-        Stroke, Wound Care, and Bariatric             lifetime of financial security with     ate degree while continuing to work     Surgery.              greater certainty and clarity. Our      full-time.                              Director of Business Development
                                        outcome-based planning ap-              Amer Kaissi, Ph.D.                      Barbara Urrabazo
ELECTRONIC                              proach involves defining your ob-       Professor and Executive Program         210.921.3521
DOCUMENTATION AND                       jectives, creating a plan to            Director                      
TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES                  maximize potential and inspiring        210-999-8132                            Community Relations Liaison
                                        action towards your goals. Fee-                 Sonia Imperial
Med MT, Inc.                            based financial plans offered at          210-364-7536
(HH Silver Sponsor)                     discount for BCMS members.              mics/departments/health-care- 
Narrative transcription is physi-       Eric Kala CFP®, AEP®, CLU®,             administration                          “Quality healthcare with you in
cians’ preferred way to create pa-      ChFC®                                                                           mind.”
tient documents and populate            Wealth Management Advisor | Es-         hEALThCARE REAL ESTATE
electronic medical records.             tate & Business Planning Advisor
Ray Branson                             210.446.5755                            SAN ANTONIO COMMERCIAL                  Warm Springs Medical Center
512-331-4669                                                                    ADVISORS                                  Thousand Oaks                                                               (HHH Gold Sponsor)
“The Med MT solution allows

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