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continued from page 31                                                      mation on other topics of interest among physicians, such as pain man-
                                                                            agement, palliative care and patient safety and quality. New offerings
sionals, Virginia Kaklamani, MD, a Professor of Medicine in the             are made available online every week. A comprehensive list can be
Division of Hematology/Oncology and the leader of the Breast Can-           found on their website.
cer Program at the CTRC, organizes “The Best of ASCO Review
Meeting.” This one-day event highlights the most recent research              All of these activities highlight the important role the CME office
and education from the ASCO Annual Meeting, with the CME of-                plays in the school and in our community: to assist physicians in pro-
fice providing support in planning and accrediting the meeting’s ed-        cessing the enormous amount of medical information available today.
ucation component.                                                          From new medications and therapies, to evidence-based practices, the
                                                                            School’s CME department is a support system that helps physicians
  In addition to assisting with accreditation, logistics, registration and  and others continually move forward in their patient care.
meeting planning services for annual events, the CME office oversees
the daily grand rounds and similar events taking place at the SOM.            Visit their website at or call them at (210)
These meetings not only provide valuable insight from other physi-          567-4491 to learn more.
cians, but in many cases, also provide CME credits.
                                                                                            Francisco González-Scarano, MD
  Online education is another tool for broadcasting enduring materials                      Dean, School of Medicine, Executive Vice President
and for disseminating up-to-the-minute information. For example,                            for Medical Affairs, Professor of Neurology,
when the Ebola virus gained prominence as an international public                 
health threat, the Office of CME videotaped a faculty member’s Grand
Rounds discussion on the topic that included didactic material and            John P. Howe, III, MD,
also a demonstration of properly donning and doffing of protective            Distinguished Chair in Health Policy, The University of Texas
equipment. The recording was made available online where it was               Health Science Center at San Antonio
viewed hundreds of times by clinicians looking for more information
on the infectious disease.

  The CME Office also provides online access to high-quality infor-

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