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                                                                                  SAY ‘I DO’

spective, and we worked to simplify our schedules. Both of us had            South Africa and recently in Brazil. Last summer, we were cheering the
orthopaedic injuries related to ski trips and decided that was not the       U.S. team on the Copacabana beach after their victory over Ghana.
sport for us to pursue as a couple. However, our two younger sons            This was at the time the Spurs had just won the NBA Finals, and we
both decided to attend the University of Colorado so the vacations           were wearing our Spurs jerseys in Brazil. We had more people stop us
there obviously had a positive impact.                                       and cheer with us in every language imaginable!

FACING NEW ISSUES                                                              Our journey together has been an amazing one – we never lose
  The later years of private practice have had their own issues with         sight of how fortunate we are to be able to practice medicine and
                                                                             care for people all the years that we have. We work to communicate
focus on technology and reimbursement. By this point in our careers,         and to always try to problem-solve together. There have been chal-
taking care of and communicating with patients is relatively easy            lenges that seemed insurmountable, but our faith is strong, and we
compared to all the other issues we face. We have morning walks              have always believed in each other. We will be celebrating our 38th
with the dogs at 5:30 every day, and that is our time to catch up with       anniversary in June – planning to do so in Venice, one of our fa-
all that is going on.                                                        vorite cities.

  We have shared a love of travel since our first trip to Africa in 1983.                                           Bruce Akright, MD, practices at
We have been fortunate to be able to travel to all parts of the world                                             Northeast OB/GYN Associates. Laura
over the years, and we always have new places we would like to see.                                               Akright, MD, practices at Northeast
Our boys instilled in us a love for soccer as well since that was the sport                                       Endocrinology Associates. Both physi-
we lived and breathed with them during the teen years. We have been                                               cians are BCMS members.
able to take our boys to the last three World Cup games in Germany,

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