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Organized medicine
seeks the broadest
benefits for the majority
of its constituents
and their patients
By James L. Humphreys, MD
2015 BCMS President
As I write this, I am sitting at the Texas Medical Associ- Legislation is that any of these decisions by the organiza-
ation’s annual TexMed meeting in Austin. I am always im- tion are carefully thought through and debated before any
pressed to see such a large group of physicians from all action is taken. There isn’t always a clear-cut best choice
across the state coming together to share common experi- for everyone when considering how to respond to a pro-
ences and frustrations and seeking solutions. It is thera- posed bill or Texas Department of Insurance or Medicaid
peutic to see firsthand that you aren’t alone and that you regulation. That said, a greater effort to make the reason-
have colleagues willing to volunteer their time to serve on ing behind decisions taken by the organization is necessary
committees and councils for the greater good. We all face in the name of transparency and better communication to
a lot of complicated issues that we need help with as we try the membership. Often a strategy that seems foolish or
to have a viable practice in the face of an underfunded and careless at first glance makes sense if the background for
inefficient healthcare system. the decision and the possible consequences of not taking
action are understood.
The great challenge for organizations such as TMA is uni-
fying a fractious, territorial and generally difficult con- If that improved communication can be achieved, it will
stituency. It is altogether too easy to forget that it is an be that much easier for us to be unified in our efforts to im-
organization of people who genuinely have the intent of steer- prove the healthcare system for our patients and ourselves.
ing legislative and regulatory agency agendas to the pathway The more we allow ourselves to be divided and dilute our ef-
of repairing and rethinking the various glitches in our health- forts with internecine fighting, the more onerous our practice
care delivery system for the broadest general benefit, especially environments will become.
if a regulatory or legislative effort promoted by TMA seems
to go against the niche interests of a certain specialty or geo- James L. Humphreys, MD, is the 2015 president of the Bexar
graphic region. County Medical Society. He is a pathologist with Precision
Pathology in San Antonio.
My personal experience from serving on the Council on
8 San Antonio Medicine • June 2015