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BCMS LEGISLATIVE AND                                     Rep. Lyle Larson (Dist. 122) (left) and Bill Hinchey, MD, vis-
      ADVOCACY NEWS                                      ited during the April 30 Last Thursday event in the Capitol.

84th                                                       David Henkes, MD (from left); Bill Hinchey, MD; Maegan
                                                         Collins, legislative staffer in the office of Speaker Joe Straus; Jen-
Regular legislative                                      nifer Rushton, MD, and Jennifer Lewis discussed medicine’s issues
session closes;                                          during the April 30 Last Thursday visit to the Capitol.
last First Tuesdays
concludes                                                  BCMS First Tuesdays participants paused for a photo May 5
                                                         with Sen. Jose Menendez (Dist. 26): (back row from left) James
Minjarez sworn in as                                     L. Mims, III, MD; Menendez; Pam Hall, MD; Ryan Van
state representative                                     Ramshorst, MD; (front row from left) Gabriel Ortiz, MD; Car-
                                                         men Garza, MD; Courtney Hobza; Mary Nava and Raymond Os-
By Mary E. Nava, MBA                                     bourn, MD.
BCMS Chief Governmental and
Community Relations Officer                                Pausing for a brief visit with Sen. Carlos Uresti (Dist. 19) during
                                                         the May 5 First Tuesdays were (back row from left) Pam Hall, MD;
  The final two TMA/BCMS legislative events of           Mary Nava; Ryan Van Ramshorst, MD; James L. Mims, III, MD;
the 84th regular session in Austin included a special    (front row from left) Carmen Garza, MD; Uresti; Raymond Os-
“Last Thursday” held during TMA’s annual meeting,        bourn, MD, and Courtney Hobza.
TexMed, on April 30, and the last “First Tuesdays”
event on May 5.

  A big thanks to the following individuals who par-
ticipated: Carmen Garza, MD; Pam Hall, MD;
David Henkes, MD; Bill Hinchey, MD; James L.
Mims, III, MD; Gabriel Ortiz, MD; Raymond Os-
bourn, MD; Jennifer Rushton, MD; Ryan Van
Ramshorst, MD; Courtney Hobza, medical student,
and Jennifer Lewis, BCMS Alliance president-elect.

  The newly elected state representative for Texas
House District 124, Ina Minjarez, was sworn in dur-
ing the week of April 27. Minjarez assumes the seat
formerly held by now-Sen. Jose Menendez (Dist. 26).

  At the time of this writing, the 84th regular leg-
islative session was scheduled to end sine die on June
1. Stay tuned for more information on the session
wrap-up and results of bills signed into law or vetoed.
A complete wrap-up will be coming soon. Look for
additional highlights in the BCMS newsletter, The
Weekly Dose.

  For local discussion on this and other legislative
advocacy topics, consider joining the BCMS Leg-
islative and Socioeconomics Committee by contact-
ing Mary Nava at

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