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BCVI facilitates
credentialing for
healthcare providers

    Bexar Credentials Verification Inc. (BCVI), the credentials verification
 subsidiary of the Bexar County Medical Society, slashes the time, aggrava-
 tion and expense of verifying the necessary credentials on San Antonio
 physicians for the area hospitals and managed-care organizations that re-
 quire them.

    The objective of credentialing is to ensure the highest quality care for pa-
 tients through the detailed verification and review of a physician’s back-
 ground, training and experience. All physicians must go through a formal
 credentialing process to gain “privileges” with the locations and health plans
 through which they treat patients.

    Primary source verification involves contacting the original source of ed-
 ucation, training, licensure and other physician and allied health profes-
 sional credentials. BCVI provides primary source verification of credentials
 data that meet The Joint Commission (TJC) and the National Commission
 for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for Credentialing Verification Organizations criteria for healthcare entities.

    Last year, BCVI’s systems and files were reviewed for accuracy and quality control by the NCQA. BCVI received the highest possible
 scores with no adverse findings in any category for which it applied for certification.

    “BCVI is the industry leader for health facility primary source verification,” said BCVI director of operations Mary Jo Quinn. “Our
 goal is to overwhelm our current customers with satisfaction and to encourage those who are currently not part of the team to join.”

    Among BCVI’s local participants are area hospitals, healthcare facilities, surgery centers and group practices.
    To learn more about BCVI, contact its director at 210-582-6355, email or visit

                                        BCMS General Counsel

                                          In the practice of medicine as well as in the administration of affairs relative to
                                        its practice, physicians often find themselves in need of legal advice.

                                          Rick Evans has served as the general counsel for BCMS for over 35 years advising
                                        the Society, its leadership, its physician members and staff to operate within safe,
                                        legal guidelines. The general counsel also provides guidance to members on how
                                        they should approach legal matters or whom they might consider employing as
                                        counsel, whether the physicians are plaintiffs or defendants. This guidance is free
                                        to physicians. While BCMS’ general counsel is not seeking to represent individual
                                        physicians per se, he does serve as a valuable resource to physician members as they
                                        decide how to respond to legal matters they encounter while practicing medicine.

                                          Evans is the founding partner of Evans, Rowe & Holbrook in San Antonio. A
                                        graduate of Marshall College of Law, he has been exclusively dedicated to the rep-
                                        resentation of physicians and other healthcare providers for 36 years.

22 San Antonio Medicine • October 2015
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