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Meetings and
Social Functions

The Bexar County Medical Society’s first and foremost

mission is to protect the general practice of medicine and

most importantly to protect the physician/patient rela-


General Membership Meetings – Some of the BCMS

meetings during a calendar year are designed to provide

continuing medical education (CME), free of charge, to      Elizabeth and Dr. Jose Benavides enjoy dancing at the Installation
member physicians. These are called general membership      of Officers.

meetings and there are usually two to three of them per

year. They typically deal with issues that affect most of our mem- and is open to physicians, physician spouses, Circle of Friends

bers and medicine generally. These meetings are free to BCMS sponsors, and supporters of medicine. It honors women in med-

members and are frequently underwritten by generous supporters icine, including a speaker, a fashion show and great lunch. This

of physicians and medicine.                                 is a fundraising event that has a small charge attached to it for at-

Installation of Officers – The newly elected officers and Board tendees.

of Directors of BCMS, the BCMS Alliance, and the BCMS       BCMS Auto Show – BCMS has been offering a free concierge

Foundation are celebrated in January of each year. This is a fun, automobile service to its members for over 30 years. In October

well-attended, social event open to members and spouses honor- of each year the San Antonio car dealers bring their newest mod-

ing these dedicated volunteers with great food, short speeches, els to the medical society building for display. Members and their

and lots of mingling. Again, this event is frequently underwritten families are invited to attend to socialize, inspect the latest model

by generous supporters of physicians and medicine.          cars and enjoy great food and music. This event is also a spon-

New Member Welcome – This is a complimentary, well-at- sored event free to members.

tended social function honoring new members of the Bexar    Rockport Fishing Trip – BCMS organizes a fishing trip to

County Medical Society. It is held in nice venues and comes Rockport each year for BCMS members and guests, along with

with great food and social interaction. The program is minimal, sponsors. The cost of the trip is paid for by each attendee includ-

but may include something like recognizing student scholar- ing housing, meals, fishing guides, etc. It is usually limited to

ships given away by the BCMS Foundation and BCMS Al- about 25-30 individuals because of the limited availability of fish-

liance. This event is underwritten by generous supporters of ing guides.

physicians and medicine.                                    Please contact BCMS at 210-301-4391 with any questions you

Women in Medicine – This is a large, fun event held each fall may have, or see the details online at

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