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                                                                           DEAN’S MESSAGE

smoking, diet, weight and other patterns of risk.                          historically, and even today, a PSA of 0-4 (ng/mL) is considered nor-
  One of the most significant outcomes of the SABOR research is            mal and >4 is abnormal. Drs. Thompson and Ankerst demonstrated
                                                                           in a paper published in JAMA that this is not an accurate indicator
the online Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator which gets right to the         for prostate cancer or a biopsy. The paper, published in 2005
goal of the program — creating tools to help physicians and their          (JAMA. 2005;294(1):66-70), uses data from another historic study
patients decide if the patient should have a prostate biopsy after re-     conducted by our Urology Department, the Prostate Cancer Preven-
ceiving a PSA test result that is outside of what is considered the “nor-  tion Trial (PCPT), which looked at nearly 19,000 healthy men with-
mal” range. It’s a sophisticated discussion most doctors are not           out prostate cancer and a PSA of three or less. I’ll quote the abstract’s
equipped for and this tool combines many different factors into an         conclusion directly: “There is no cutpoint of PSA with simultaneous
easy-to-interpret risk profile.                                            high sensitivity and high specificity for monitoring healthy men for
                                                                           prostate cancer, but rather a continuum of prostate cancer risk at all
  The calculator’s architect is faculty member Donna Ankerst, PhD,         values of PSA.” More simply, PSA is a factor, but alone it has too
a biostatistician who trained at the Harvard University School of          much variability in regards to prostate cancer. This is why the
Public Health. Dr. Ankerst designed the algorithm for the online cal-      SABOR program is so important.
culator which sees about 100,000 hits a month from countries all
over the world. Launched in 2006 and updated several times since             The other significant contribution made by the SABOR program
then to reflect new findings, the most recent version (2.0) of the cal-    is the creation of its comprehensive data and tissue collection which
culator incorporates the % free-PSA result and was validated by a          has resulted in it becoming the premiere institute in the world for
study published in the June 2014 journal Urology. (PSA is found ei-        testing other predictors of prostate cancer. SABOR is a NCI (Na-
ther bound to other proteins or on its own, which is called “free          tional Cancer Institute) EDRN (Early Detection Research Network)
PSA”. The typical PSA test measures the total of both free and bound       sponsored Clinical Validation Center. This means other researchers
PSA. The free-PSA test reports the percentage of unbound PSA.)             around the world request tissue samples from the SABOR collection,

  I put “normal” in quotes when referring to PSA results because                                                                         Continued on page 32
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