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  In addition, the ability to monitor        Whether you’re ready to increase your
lifestyle and health issues are available  home’s IQ or you just want a better audio
and are only going to become easier to     system, Bjorn’s can handle it and even
use and more affordable as well. Just      come to you if needed.
image having your heart rate, blood pres-
sure and calories burned checked just by     So if you liked the Jetsons when you
pressing a button on your wall or your     were a kid, you’re going to love the new
smart phone. Now add the ability to        smart home. Smart home or home au-
contact your doctor or emergency help      tomation? No matter what you call it, it
automatically and you can see where        makes you a very smart homeowner. And
things are going.                          what better time to increase your home’s
                                           IQ than during a home renovation?
  While most of this will work with
Bluetooth, you will still need help with     RESOURCES
the network along with custom installa-
tion and wiring. That’s where Bjorn’s        Bjorn’s Audio, Video and
Audio, Video and Home Theater in San         Home Theater
Antonio comes in. They are specialists in    210.828.3237 / 800.223.6991
custom installation and networking for
all smart home and home automation
needs as well as audio, home theater and
multi-media rooms.
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