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Does your home have an IQ?

Yes, but you may not know what it is.

 By Bjorn’s Audio, Video and Home Theater
 Photography courtesy of Bjorn’s Audio, Video and Home Theater

 Everyone’s talking about            S mart home automation often starts            your refrigerator will be controlled, even
smart homes nowadays and                     with a single, easy-to-understand      to the point where you will be able to
if you believe what some                     home theater remote control that       check the date on the milk or see how
companies are saying, smart          replaces the usual three or four. It can also  many eggs you have.
homes are going to revolu-           dim the room lights and lower the shades.
tionize the way we live, solve       You can even use it to lock and unlock           The idea behind a smart home is to
problems we didn’t know we           your doors and adjust your thermostat’s        make it user friendly and as comfortable
had and even improve our             temperature!                                   as possible while being energy efficient at
love life! (No, we’re not mak-                                                      the same time.
ing that up.) It sure sounds           But that’s not all a smart home can do.
wonderful. After all, who            You can install cameras for monitoring           Savant, Control 4 and RTI are all com-
wants to live in a dumb              your home, seeing who’s at the door or         panies that offer state-of-the-art smart
home?                                checking on the kids. While you’re at it,      home systems. These systems communi-
                                     you can teach your home to be more com-        cate with nearly anything with a computer
 But what exactly is a smart         fortable to live in while saving lots of en-   chip. They are all very similar and offer as
home and how does it work?           ergy - and do it automatically whether         much or as little connect and control as
Well, “smart home” is basi-          you’re at home, at work or on vacation         you want. Savant and Control 4 offer apps
cally a new term for some-           half way around the world.                     that allow you to use your tablet or smart
thing that has been available                                                       phone to control your new smart home.
for decades, although not as           In the not-so-distant future you will be     By doing this, it allows you the ability to
wide spread. We’ve been call-        able to control most electronics in your       control things like door locks, lights, tem-
ing it “home automation” all         home from your smart phone or tablet.          perature and even music from anywhere
this time.                           Everything from your coffee maker to           at any time.

22 San Antonio Medicine • July 2015
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