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rarely are bothered. Antarctica has its own penguin flea. Rock doves     Wozniak, most endemic foci are centered on prairie dog towns.
have their own flea. Some species infest poultry by attaching them-        Tapeworms infest dogs and cats when bitten by an infected flea.
selves permanently to the birds’ naked skin.
                                                                         Fleas also can transmit typhus, tularemia, undulant fever and other
   Jigger fleas burrow in the human skin causing a cyst, leading to      diseases as well as the pneumonic and bubonic plague.
sores and secondary infection upon removal.
                                                                           Fortunately these parasites have many enemies. Mites eat fleas in
   Nest fleas are found in swallow and martin nests. Fur fleas mostly    all of their stages; small beetles who often live in birds’ nests eat fleas
live on fur or hair. According to Guinness, at least 13,000 fleas were   and their larvae; and dogs and cats accidentally eat them when clean-
removed from one red squirrel — squirrels seem to have more fleas        ing themselves.
than other fur animals.
                                                                           There are some effective products on the market that clear fleas
   Most fleas feed and breed on various hosts, although some limit       from an animal up to 100 percent. There are products placed on
themselves to just one host. The most deadly flea in the world in the    the skin of the animal once a month. Getting rid of dirt and debris
rat flea. When they bite, if infected, they can transmit diseases        where they live helps. Wash your pets’ bedding every week in hot
through the bacterium Pasteurella and Yersinia pestis, the plague bac-   water and detergent, groom your pets daily with a flea or fine-
teria. Bubonic plague was mostly due to a flea that usually lives on     toothed comb, and drown the fleas you gather in soapy water; vac-
rats which are not immune to the plague. They would infest the rat       uum your home frequently especially where your pets hang out;
until it died, then infest people in areas where poor hygiene permitted  avoid flea collars. Other controls that can be successful are biolog-
rats to live in large numbers. The plague is spread from human to        ical, by using other predators, parasites or diseases to control the
rat and rat to human from the saliva of fleas. The black death in me-    fleas; sterilization by chemicals or radiation so they can’t repro-
diaeval times created epidemics because most homes were not free of      duce; quarantine which tries to prevent the insects from entering
rats. The plague of the Middle Ages (14th century) killed at least 25    the country, and chemicals which uses insecticides but are danger-
million people. They kill more people than wars. According to Dr.        ous and can upset nature’s balance by destroying beneficial insects.

                                                                         Continued on page 20

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