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        Navigating the Intersection of AI

        and Healthcare in Bexar County

        By Ezequiel "Zeke" Silva III, President, Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS)

           Earlier this year, the BCMS 1853 Club welcomed Dr. Brent  pation in influential groups such
        Fessler, Ed.D., MSL, to discuss the topic of "AI for the Everyday Guy  as the AMA Digital Medicine
        (How to use AI at home/personal life)." The 1853 Club, a group of   Payment Advisory Group and
        retired Bexar County physicians, meets regularly to explore various   the TMA Health Information
        subjects. The keen interest in AI among our retired colleagues is a   Technology Committee reflects
        testament to its significance, not just for them but also for our active  our dedication to advocating for policies that prioritize patient care
        physicians and medical students. Understanding AI's impact on our  while addressing physician concerns. Our engagement with legislative
        practices and how we can navigate its challenges and opportunities is   and regulatory bodies such as the Texas Artificial Intelligence Advisory
        crucial for all of us.                                Council highlights our commitment to influencing the trajectory of
                                                              AI in healthcare.
        BCMS' Role                                               We highly value the perspectives of our members and are keen to
           BCMS has been a leader in addressing the intersection of AI and   understand how AI is reshaping your practice. BCMS is dedicated to
        healthcare. At TexMed 2021, our BCMS delegation introduced a   grasping the challenges and opportunities AI presents in clinical care,
        significant AI-related resolution, urging the TMA to examine the  ensuring our community remains at the forefront of this technological
        impact of augmented intelligence on healthcare in Texas (Resolution   evolution.
        421, Augmented Intelligence (AI) in Health Care).1 This initiative   We invite all members to share their experiences and insights
        aimed to offer guidance for physicians on adapting to the challenges  regarding AI in their practice. Your contributions are vital to our ongo-
        and opportunities presented by AI. The outcome of this effort was   ing dialogue and efforts to shape a future where AI and healthcare
        TMA's inaugural policy on AI (Policy 280.038, Augmented Intelli-  converge in the most beneficial and responsible manner.
        gence in Health Care),2 addressing critical issues like nomenclature,
        disclosure, transparency and safeguards. BCMS' involvement in shap-  References:
        ing the AMA's 2019 AI policy further underscores our commitment to  1.  Resolution 421, Augmented Intelligence (AI) in Health Care:
        proactive engagement with AI's evolution in healthcare (AMA BOT
        Report 21 Augmented Intelligence in Health Care H-480.939).3 More   TMA/TMA_Leadership/House_of_Delegates/2021_Reports_
        recently, the AMA provided the following update, AMA Principles for   and_Resolutions/Res%20421%202021%20Augmented%20
        Augmented Intelligence Development, Deployment and Use.4
                                                              2.  Policy 280.038, Augmented Intelligence in Health Care: https://
        The Rapid Pace of Change                       
           The digital health landscape, inclusive of AI, has seen remarkable   report%208
        growth, a trend accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The FDA's   3.  AMA BOT Report 21 Augmented Intelligence in Health Care
        approval of AI-driven medical devices, also referred to as Software in   H-480.939:
        a Medical Device (SaMD) in early 2018, such as IDX-DR for diabetic   detail/Augmented%20Intelligence%20in%20Health%20
        retinopathy screening, marks a pivotal advancement. With over 700   Care%20H-480.939%20?uri=%2FAMADoc%2FHOD.xml-H-
        AI SaMD products having received FDA approval, the healthcare   480.939.xml
        sector is witnessing a transformative phase, particularly in fields like   4.  AMA Principles for Augmented Intelligence Development,
        radiology (79 percent of FDA-approved devices) and cardiology (9   Deployment and Use:
        percent of approved devices).5                           ama-ai-principles.pdf. Accessed on 3/30/24
                                                              5.  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML)-En-
        The Evolution of AI                                      abled Medical Devices:
           AI's progression is rapid, transitioning from basic functions like detec-  software-medical-device-samd/artificial-intelligence-and-ma-
        tion and inference to more sophisticated capabilities. The emergence of   chine-learning-aiml-enabled-medical-devices. Accessed on
        generative AI and large language models like OpenAI and ChatGPT sig-  3/30/24
        nifies a shift towards machines not just retrieving but generating informa-
        tion. This evolution has profound implications for the medical field and
        necessitates a thoughtful approach to regulatory frameworks.  Ezequiel “Zeke” Silva III, MD, is the 2024 President of the Bexar County
                                                              Medical Society. Dr. Silva is a radiologist with the South Texas Radiology
        BCMS, AI and the Future                               Group, Adjunct Professor of Radiology at the UT Health, Long School
           BCMS is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring the responsible   of Medicine, and Vice-Chief of Staff at Methodist Hospital Texsan. He
        and ethical integration of AI into clinical practice. Our active partici-  serves on the TMA Council on Legislation and is a TMA Delegate to the
                                                              AMA. He chairs the AMA RVS Update Committee (RUC).

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